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Comparison of body-image and self-esteem among athlete and non-athlete MS patients

عنوان مقاله: Comparison of body-image and self-esteem among athlete and non-athlete MS patients
شناسه ملی مقاله: JR_PGSRN-2-3_006
منتشر شده در شماره 3 دوره 2 فصل در سال 1393
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

Mohammad karimi zadeh Ardakani - Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Science, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran
Mohammad Hasan Kordi - Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Science, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran
Mehdi Yazdani - Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Science, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran
Homa Naderi Far - Eye Research Center, Farabi Eye Hospital, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

خلاصه مقاله:
Background: Multiple Sclerosis is a chronic and progressive disease of central nervous system. The disease and its inabilities are threat to independence and capability of the patient to fill in their role in family and society. This makes the patient feel incompetent so that his image of body and health is degraded. Physical activity is one of the measures that considerably help the patient to cope with their condition, live, andfight the disease. Taking into account the positive effects of exercising on self-esteemand body_ image healthy people, the present study is an attempt to compare body-imageand self-esteem among MS patients who does sport and those who do not. Materials and Methods: The participants were MS patients including 55 athlete MSpatients and 59 non-athlete MS patients at age range 22-35. They were selected throughconvenience random sampling. The athlete MS patients were 16 men and 39 women withaverage age of 26.9±6.7, average height of 166±8.9cm, and average weight of70.2±11.3kg. The non-athlete MS patients were 34 women and 25 men with average age of 27.5±8.3, average height of 168±4.2cm, and average weight of 68.4±1.8. All the participants were volunteers. Body-esteem was measured using Mandelson’s bodyesteeminventory, while self-esteem was assessed using Rosenberg self-esteem scale.Kolmogrov Smirnov test was used to check data distribution and the variables were compared by independent t-test (sig=0.05). Results and Discussions: The results of comparison of self-esteem and body-imagebetween the two groups showed that the both indices were higher among athlete MSpatients. As the findings showed, apparently, doing sport acts as an intermediary factor inimprovement of self-esteem and adopting positive attitudes toward oneself. Conclusion: Consequently, sport can be one of the best and most effective approaches to improve and increase body-image and self-esteem among MS patients.

کلمات کلیدی:
Body-image, self-esteem, MS, athlete, non-athlete

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