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Vibration investigation of cylindrical pipes with sigmoid, power law and exponentially graded material

عنوان مقاله: Vibration investigation of cylindrical pipes with sigmoid, power law and exponentially graded material
شناسه ملی مقاله: NSMI14_133
منتشر شده در چهاردهمین همایش صنایع دریایی در سال 1391
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

Omid Rahmani - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Zanjan University;
Maryam Moghaddami - Student, Faculty of Engineering, Zanjan University;

خلاصه مقاله:
Functionally graded materials have different attractive properties such as high strength and high stiffness. Thus they have attracted much attention in aerospace, automotive and marine industries. In this paper free vibration of a functionally graded cylindrical shell composed of stainless steel and nickel has been studied. The influence of the volume fraction, the influence of the FGM configuration and the effects of geometric parameters on the frequency characteristics for P-FGM, S-FGM and E-FGM cylindrical shells are studied. The analysis was carried out with Love’sshell theory and Rayleigh-Ritz method. The study shows that for all P-FGM, S-FGM and E-FGM shells and for all construction of constituent materials the frequency characteristics are similar to homogeneous isotropic cylindrical shell and the natural frequencies lie between those for a stainless steel and nickel cylindrical shells. To validate the analysis, results for simply supported cylindrical shells are compared with an article. The comparisons show that the present results agreed well with those in the paper

کلمات کلیدی:
Vibration, Functionally graded pipes, sigmoid functionally graded, exponential functionally graded

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