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Comparison of stability different methods for analysing genotype × environment interactions in safflower

عنوان مقاله: Comparison of stability different methods for analysing genotype × environment interactions in safflower
شناسه ملی مقاله: ICSDA02_219
منتشر شده در دومین کنفرانس بین المللی توسعه پایدار، راهکارها و چالش ها با محوریت کشاورزی ، منابع طبیعی، محیط زیست و گردشگری در سال 1394
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

Mehdi Jamshidmoghaddam - Scientific Member, Dryland Agriculture Research Institute, Sararood, Kermanshah,

خلاصه مقاله:
Genotype × environment (G × E) interaction is important source of variation in crop breeding programs. The objectives of this study were first to analyze G × E interaction on seed yield of 16safflower genotypes grown for three consecutive seasons (2008-2011) at three locations, representative of rainfed winter safflower growing areas of Iran, by the additive main effects andmultiplicative interaction (AMMI) model, and second to compare AMMI-derived stability statisticswith several stability different methods. The results of the AMMI analysis showed that main effects due to genotype (G), environment (E), and G × E interaction as well as first six interaction principle component axes (IPCA1 to 6) were significant. In the present study, a large amount of the total sum ofsquares (45%) of data combined over environments was due to GEI. According to most stability statistics of AMMI analyses, genotypes G14 and G15 were the most stable genotypes across environments. Based on the definition of stable genotypes by regression methods (b=1, S2d=0), genotypes G3, G6 and G4 had average stability for seed yield. The G + G × E distance (i.e., thedistance from the markers of individual genotypes to the ideal genotype in GGE biplot analysis) and the yield-stability (Ysi) statistic gave similar results in identifying genotype G13, G2, G11 and G15 asthe best genotypes to release for rainfed conditions of Iran. The factor analysis was used for groupingall stability parameters. The first factor separated the parameters Ysi, GGED and mean yield based on a dynamic concept of stability from those which were based on a static one. No significant relationship was found between mean yield with AMMI stability parameters (IPCA, ASV, SIPC, AMGE, EV andD) and the other statistical methods (S2 E, 2, s2, b, S2 d, a, l, D2, S(1) and S(2)) in ranking of genotypes for yield stability.

کلمات کلیدی:
Safflower, Genotype × environment interaction, AMMI model, Stability parameters

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