Enhance the exchange of data on VANETs by selecting the most sustainable path

Publish Year: 1395
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 5 بهمن 1395


Vehicle Ad hoc NETwork (VANET) is a mobile network is used for communication between adjacent vehicles and between vehicles and nearby fixed equipment with roadside facilities are usually built. The main objective of network is to exchange information between the vehicle and providing security issues for the occupants of the vehicles. To achieve this goal, a specific electronic device can be embedded in any vehicle that makes it possible to establish communication between the passengers. Such a network must be implemented without limits of communication structures of client-server networks. Each vehicle which is equipped with a VANET device is such as a node in ad hoc networks and will be able to receive and send messages with others via the wireless network. Due to the mobility of vehicles in VANETs, communication between the two vehicles may be stopped periodically to get information and costly processes should run again. The project aims to increase the stability of the connection between the two vehicles which is done with the predicted path and clustering. Predict the future path of the vehicle based on movement patterns can be useful to estimate the sustainable path, but to reduce delays caused by the instability of the path not mentioned in peer to peer VANETs. Estimating time of sustainability path before clipping path helps to nodes realize definitive relationship with its peer in the near future and earlier attempts to make up for lost connections.


Vehicle Ad hoc NETwork (VANET) , Clustering , Link Stability , Peer to Peer


Mohammad Hoseionpour

Islamic Azad University, Yasuj Branch, Yasuj, Iran

Bahman Ravaei

Islamic Azad University, Yasuj Branch, Yasuj, Iran