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Space symmetry of the Universe as a symbolic form in the art of Ancient Iran and Ancient China

عنوان مقاله: Space symmetry of the Universe as a symbolic form in the art of Ancient Iran and Ancient China
شناسه ملی مقاله: IRANWORLD11_004
منتشر شده در یازدهمین همایش مجازی بین المللی تحولات جدید ایران و جهان در سال 1395
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

Valeriavna Tkachenko Valeria - Assistant to the Director, Yugstroiinvest Company, Krasnodar

خلاصه مقاله:
In continuation of the previous article From Alphabet to the Structure of the Universe (2015) this paper is dedicated to two aspects being the main in a critical view on this scientific research: 1. the development of a system approach to the evaluation of archeological artifacts with a multivalued interpretation of ornaments and symbols in order to avoid a misrepresentation of scientific knowledge and a substitution the true for the false and 2. the detailed description of elements of this ornamental geometric symmetry as an important cultural phenomenon. With reference to theories of Diophantus geometric (figure) numbers, Coxeter mirror symmetry , Golomb polymino symmetry , quasicrystal symmetry of Penrose spatial tessellation and Langlands numbers and symmetry correspondence theory, the article also deals with the reconstruction of main elements used for the description of the Universe structure: the mirror labyrinth of Taiji (太極 – the Supreme Ultimate), the geometry structure of four forms of symbols xiang (四象), the principle of crossing and entwinement – cuo zong (错综), the plain-volume principle which corresponds to the Golomb polyomino symmetry . Mention of geometric structures in the text of the Ancient Chinese Book of Changes Yi Jing (易經) allows us to describe the difference between allowed and forbidden (phantom) symmetry being an additional factor in the evaluation of these artifacts as non-random and belonging to the common tradition which exists in separate elements in cultures of Ancient Iran and Ancient China.

کلمات کلیدی:
Ancient Iran, Ancient China, mirror symmetry, Taiji (太極), Yi Jing (易經)

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