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Offering a method for investigating project time prolongation claims in investment projects using InternalRate of Return

عنوان مقاله: Offering a method for investigating project time prolongation claims in investment projects using InternalRate of Return
شناسه ملی مقاله: CCIVIL02_461
منتشر شده در دومین کنفرانس بین المللی مهندسی عمران،معماری ومدیریت بحران در سال 1396
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

Mojtaba Bayatpour - Construct ion management MS student . Department of civi l engineering, Estahban Branch, Islamic Azad Universi ty, Estahban, Iran
Hasanali Tavazo - Assistant Professor, Young Researchers and El i te Club, Zarghan Branch, Islamic Azad Universi ty, Zarghan, Iran

خلاصه مقاله:
Delay and lack of progres s in implementat ion of civi l project s that lead to claims , arerepresentat ives for bar r ier s and problems in implement ing valuable civi l project . Time, costand qual i ty- related claims and mos t impor tant of al l , at t ract ing inves tment ar e the majorproblems in EPCF cont r act s that cause lack of appro pr iate acces s to development programs .Hence thi s study endeavor s to get a ful l r ecogni t ion of ment ioned claims and thei rconsequences independent of inves tor mal funct ion in EPCF projects by inves t igat ing andanalyzing r elated l i ter atures . And f inal ly the probable losses of investor that i s yielded f romdelays do not root in thei r mal funct ion evaluated by Internal Rate of Return ( IRR) index.Delays that do not or iginate f rom investor cont ractor , prolong project t ime and al so imposehigh f inancial los ses to investor cont r actor s , so thei r ident i f icat ion and compensat ion lead toincrease in at t ract ion of large inves tor s , improve in compet i t ion s tatus in tender s, prosper i tyof civi l projects, at t ract ing st r anded capi tal and economic growth of count r ies . Thi s studyrepresent s a sys temat ic f r amework in order to ident i fy causes and ef fect s of project t imeprolongat ion that doesn ’ t or iginate in inves tor cont r actor mal funct ion, and al so of fer s amethod by which incoming los ses can be compensa ted by keeping IRR index constant .

کلمات کلیدی:
time - related claims , Engineer ing-Procur ement - const ruct ion & f inancing projects , internal r ate of return parameter, Cont ractors

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