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The role of exercise in improving the quality of life and the morale of the patient with breast-cancer Review article

عنوان مقاله: The role of exercise in improving the quality of life and the morale of the patient with breast-cancer Review article
شناسه ملی مقاله: ICBCMED09_235
منتشر شده در نهمین کنگره بین المللی سرطان پستان در سال 1392
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

Fatemeh Homaei Shandiz - Associate professor, Radiation Oncology, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences
Hossein Nikkar - MA student of Sports Physiology, Azad University of Mashhad

خلاصه مقاله:
Breast cancer is one of the most prevailing kind of cancer, and of mortality causes resulting from cancer in Iranian women, which on the basis of the recorded information in Iran, has been increasing since 1378(1999). On the other hand, fortunately, this kind of cancer belongs to the early diagnosable and preventable cancers which by providing specific solutions can lead to decreasing the late reference and providing effective treatment in order to increasing the survival, decreasing the mortality and promoting the patients life quality. Considerable progresses in preventing, diagnosing and managing the breast cancer have been made in recent years on the basis of scientific findings of the clinical applications. One of the factors can cause the breast cancer is fatness and low mobility. High weight and lack of physical activities (exercises) increase the risk of this cancer. Physical activities are always known as central elements of rehabilitation for many chronic diseases, and for improving the life quality and decreasing all of the mortality causes. Regarding to the above mentioned subject matters and the importance of improving the life quality, a question rises here whether exercises and physical activities, as factors of improving the life quality and the morale of the patients suffering from breast cancer, are effective The purpose of this research is expressing the importance of exercise for improving the life quality and the morale of the patients suffering from breast cancer in order to expanding the social, mental, emotional and physical aspects. Also, exercise is considered as an important and effective factor in improving the life quality and, generally, the morale of these patients. For this purpose, the performed studies on the relations of the physical activities and life quality improvement of the patients with the breast cancer were searched by the use of the scientific articles browser engine, Google scholar, without restricting the year of performing the studies and by the use of the keywords of physical activity, breast cancer patient, and quality of life. Out of total 20 articles, 11 ones were studied finally. Animal studies were excluded from the present study. Also, the studies performed on the expert cancer fields, surgery and chemotherapy, were ignored. The results show that physical activities and particularly exercise are of important factors in improving the life quality and the morale of the patients suffering from breast cancer. These kinds of activities and exercises, as complements, can be effective and useful in preventing this kind of cancer and developing the physical and mental aspects in the specialized centers for cancer treatment and hospitals, and can help to the breast cancer specialists in preventing and improving this kind of cancer.

کلمات کلیدی:
Exercise, Life quality, Morale, Patients with breast cancer

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