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Proton Polymer Electrolytes in Fuel Cell

عنوان مقاله: Proton Polymer Electrolytes in Fuel Cell
شناسه ملی مقاله: GERMANCONF01_001
منتشر شده در کنگره بین المللی علوم و مهندسی در سال 1396
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

Tahereh Safari - Graduate student in physics ,University of Qom, Iran
Maryam Safari - Graduate student in microbiology ,Islamic Azad University of Qom ,Iran

خلاصه مقاله:
Electrolyte is one of the main parts of fuel cell .That is divided to liquid and solid and it is used in both Alkaline and acidulous PH. Fuel cell have different divisions .But with due to kind of electrolyte was used in it, it divides to these parts:1) Polymer fuel cell or proton changing.2) Alkaline fuel cell.3) Acid phosphoric fuel cell.4) Melted carbon fuel cell.5) Solid oxide fuel cell.The fuel cells with polymer electrolyte, because of high capacity of density (1400 watt/lit), are considered more. The electrolyte in this kind of cells is the form of plastic was made from polymer molecule .We named it as Membrane .The polymer membrane with due to electrolytes particulars that is unnormal (unusual).Because with attendance water in with be attracted by membrane, negative Ions to be kept in electrolyte structure .Only free positive ions move for transfer positive stress through the membraneFor this reason it is called as reformer membrane. Through the work of fuel cell .Electrolyte must be weSo it s conductance remain .So with attendance to pressure used in fuel cells, for prevention of steam, temperature must be kept between 70- 120˚c.In atmosphere pressure, the revenue temp must be lower than 100˚c.It is better to be between 60 to 70˚c.Antil remain the quantity of water in normal case (position).the water transfers in two way at polymer electrolyte .One is electrical osmotic flow which transfer water and proton from anode to cathode. Another kind of transfer is, influence of water reversed. (Diffusion flux).It means water will come back from cathode to anode .So balance of water in polymer electrode deepens on how flowing electrical osmotic and in fluence of reverse water .The compositions in polymer membrane:

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