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Histology of the cervix in Caspian Miniature Horse

عنوان مقاله: Histology of the cervix in Caspian Miniature Horse
شناسه ملی مقاله: THVC16_1101
منتشر شده در شانزدهمین کنگره دامپزشکی ایران در سال 1389
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

Rezaian - Division of Histology ,Department of Basic Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Tehran University ,Tehran- IRAN
Akbari - Division of Histology ,Department of Basic Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Tehran University ,Tehran- IRAN

خلاصه مقاله:
In order to study of the histology of cervix in Caspian miniature horses, female adult (3-4 years old) healthy ones purchased from Golestan province and carried to the anatomy lab of faculty of vet medicine. To prevent the seasonal variation, all samples were taken in May (beginning of breeding season). After Clinical examination and assurance of health, animals were bled from common carotid artery, and injected of fixative through the same way. Cervices were separated immediately after death and sample of 1cm thickness from endocervices and exocervices were fixed with 10% buffered formalin. Routine histological laboratory methods were used and µm paraffin sections were stained with H& and PAS and studied under light microscope. Endocervices constituted of three layers of namely, endomertrium, myometrium and perimetrium. The endomertrium comprised of wide and large primary papillae with, secondary and tertiary papilla on them. Simple columnar epithelium with few ciliated and secretory ones covered the mucosa. Lamina propria and submucosa were of dense fibrous connective tissue. Smooth muscle fibers were expanded from the inner circular muscle layer to the basilar parts of lamina propria of primary papillae. Simple tubularglands were observed at the base of secondary papillae. Muscle layers were in two layers of inner circular and outer longitudinal. small vascular layer was seen between muscle layers. Serous layer covered the cervix from the outside. Since the mucosal papillae of the exocervices were shorter than those of endocervices, had primary, secondary and tertiary papilla with various types of epithelia, namely, simple columnar, nonkeratinized stratified squamous and transitional form with stratified squamous with columnar and goblet cells on the top of them. Few or no mucosal gland was seen. The other layers were similar to endocervices.

کلمات کلیدی:
endocervix, exocervix, Caspian miniature horse, histology

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