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Anatomy of Salvia limbata in Relation to Altitudinal Gradient in West Azerbaijan (Iran)

عنوان مقاله: Anatomy of Salvia limbata in Relation to Altitudinal Gradient in West Azerbaijan (Iran)
شناسه ملی مقاله: JR_IJHST-4-2_006
منتشر شده در شماره 2 دوره 4 فصل در سال 1396
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

Fatemeh Nejadhabibvash - ۱Assistant Professor, Department of Medicinal Plant, Higher Education Center of Shahid bakeri of Miandoab, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran.
Esmaeil Rezaei Chiyaneh - ۲Assistant Professor, Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Faculty of Agriculture, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran
Alireza Pirzad - ۳Associated Professor, Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Faculty of Agriculture, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran

خلاصه مقاله:
This study was conducted to investigate the effect of altitudinal gradients on  the anatomy of Salvia limbata C.A.Mey. (Lamiaceae). . The S. limbata species were collected from their natural habitats from various regions of West Azerbaijan province in Iran. The thickness of cuticle, collenchymas, phloem, xylem and pith of stem and leaf thickness were measured. Moreover, width, length and number of stomata on both adaxial and abaxal epidermal surfaces were analyzed. Statistical analyses were done on a completely randomized design. The results indicated that by increasing altitude leaf thickness increased from 239.1 to 300.1 µm. Number of leaf epidermal cells was also increased in higher altitude on both upper (4.30 to 5.61) and lower (1.05 to 6.55) epidermal surfaces. The results  confirmed that  more stomata on both adaxial and abaxial epidermis in high altitude samples were associated with presence of narrower and longer stomata on their leaves. Significant differences in the cuticle, collenchyma, xylem, phloem and parenchymatous pith thickness in the stem were observed in all the six studied populations. At higher altitudes thicker cuticle, increased number of collenchyma and wider xylem, phloem and parenchymatous pith were detected. Plants in Mahlamlu region had the thickest studied parameters and Plants in Kabudan Island region had the thinnest tissues.

کلمات کلیدی:
Anatomy, altitude, Lamiaceae, Salvia limbata

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