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The American Neoconservative Foreign Policy and Its Aftermath: The Implications for Iran

عنوان مقاله: The American Neoconservative Foreign Policy and Its Aftermath: The Implications for Iran
شناسه ملی مقاله: IPIS17_014
منتشر شده در هفدهمین همایش بین المللی خلیج فارس در سال 1386
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

Wen sheng Chen

خلاصه مقاله:
In response to the 9/11 attacks, G. W. Bush was persuaded by neoconservatives to adopt a militant foreign policy and use American unipolar power to create a historymaking Pax Americana. The Bush administration's preventive war against Iraq and the forcible removal of Saddam Hussein from power were the products of neoconservative thinking. Besides, US's threatening attitude towards Iran over its nuclear program was filled with neoconservative echoes. Following the setbacks in Iraq in the 2006 midterm election, neo-conservative influence in Bush administration's foreign policy is dwindling. In fact, the white House is quietly undergoing a course correction in foreign policy, and it would possibly lead to a new diplomatic stance towards Tehran. If the American Democrats win the presidency this year, the militancy imphasized in Bush administration would be restrained

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