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Training of research ethics

عنوان مقاله: Training of research ethics
شناسه ملی مقاله: MEDISM20_381
منتشر شده در بیستمین کنگره بین المللی میکروب شناسی ایران در سال 1398
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

Firoozeh Mirzaie - Department of Midwifery, School of Nursing and Midwifery Kerman University of Medical Sciences,

خلاصه مقاله:
Ethical thoughts are essential basis for conduct of biomedical research, particularly those involving human subjects. The mandatory research ethics training has been considered as an integral part of the good science in several western countries. Teaching research ethics is a requirement within modern health science. It is clear, that simply recommending new students that ethical behavior is a requirement in a modern environment of medical research and evidence-based practice is not acceptable.Students will advantage from learning the background, issues, benefits, concepts, theory and skills associated with research ethics. On the basis of experience of designing, developing and integrating the teaching of research ethics in a new, fully integrated medical school curriculum, delivered using Problem Based Learning (PBL) and the recent literature relating to the teaching of research ethics to produce the following 12 Top Tips to training of research ethics. Tip 1: The learning environment. (A key requirement is to undertake the teaching of research ethics within a positive and supportive learning environment. It is essential that the School or Department has a learning philosophy that supports the teaching of research ethics within the curriculum), Tip 2: Students should understand why they need to study research, ethics Tip 3:Start early and integrate throughout course, Tip 4:Establish the course outcomes and structure,( It is important to have learning outcomes that are clear, can be seen to have demonstrable value, can be mapped onto the curriculum, fulfil the requirements of the curriculum and reflect the ethos of the program), Tip 5 Where possible integrate with other aspects of teaching and learning,( Developing a program of research ethics education into a taught program will be more successful if it is viewed as an integrated part of the course and not as an additional educational requirement.) Tip 6: Course material used to deliver research ethics teaching,( Maintaining student interest in a subject that may appear to have little, immediate clinical impact can be achieved if a wide variety of different teaching materials are offered and used) Tip 7: Consider using active teaching and group discussion,( There is a clear emphasis within the literature that teaching research ethics can be facilitated by encouraging students to undertake active learning) Tip 8: Use alternative and varied sources of expertise,( Research ethics is a multi-disciplinary field and it is important to involve the expertise and experience of lawyers, philosophers, ethicists, educationalists and the public.) Tip 9: Additional learning opportunities. (Seek additional opportunities outside the course and the core curriculum to expose students to research ethics instruction even if this is infrequent and minimal) Tip 10: Offer training and support to a broad-based faculty not only research ethics teachers,( It is important to recognise that the attitudes students will develop towards research ethics will be influenced by every teacher that they meet throughout their course and not just the faculty members who deliver the research ethic component of the curriculum.) Tip 11: Develop an effective assessment strategy.( Assessing students understanding of research ethics can provide challenges. It is clearly not as easy to assess as other parts of the core curriculum, and there is a danger of over concentrating assessment on the mechanics of applying and achieving ethical approval from ethics committees rather than the understanding of the paradigms of research ethics) Tip 12:Evaluate and adapt. (It is important that the teaching of research ethics within a curriculum is evaluated and reviewed.)

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