مقالات Radiation Physics and Engineering، دوره 4، شماره 11.Radiological assessment of different varieties of pistachios produced in Iran FullText2.Development of SUAP toolkit for performing uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis in fuel performance modeling FullText3.Isotopic discharge concentrations of Tehran research reactor using deterministic and Monte Carlo methods4.Low-energy deuteron-deuteron elastic scattering in cluster effective field theory FullText5.Dechanneling and the energy loss of protons along planar directions of Si FullText6.Spectrophotometric evaluation of a Nickel-based complex solution for use as a radiation dosimeter7.Effects of fusion plasma ions on Aluminum and Tungsten samples using a plasma focus device: a comparison study FullText8.Introducing the domestic multi-dimensional particle-in-cell code AZERAP FullTextتاریخ نمایه سازی مقالات: 26 دی 1401 - تعداد نمایش اطلاعات ژورنال: 309 آرشیو سال 1404 Radiation Physics and Engineeringدوره: 6شماره: 1آرشیو سال 1403 Radiation Physics and Engineeringدوره: 5شماره: 4دوره: 5شماره: 3دوره: 5شماره: 2دوره: 5شماره: 1آرشیو سال 1402 Radiation Physics and Engineeringدوره: 4شماره: 4دوره: 4شماره: 3دوره: 4شماره: 2دوره: 4شماره: 1آرشیو سال 1401 Radiation Physics and Engineeringدوره: 3شماره: 4دوره: 3شماره: 3دوره: 3شماره: 2دوره: 3شماره: 1آرشیو سال 1400 Radiation Physics and Engineeringدوره: 2شماره: 4دوره: 2شماره: 3دوره: 2شماره: 2دوره: 2شماره: 1آرشیو سال 1399 Radiation Physics and Engineeringدوره: 1شماره: 1دوره: 1شماره: 2دوره: 1شماره: 3دوره: 1شماره: 4