مقالات Radiation Physics and Engineering، دوره 4، شماره 21.Radiation hazards from granite and bitumen in construction material site in Aniocha South Local Government Area of Delta State, South-South Nigeria FullText2.Studying the effect of backgrounds on the determination of radiative thermal neutron capture cross-section in the Neutron Powder Diffraction facility of the Tehran Research Reactor FullText3.Effect of marker material on the dosimetric parameters of I-۱۲۵ source (model ۶۷۱۱): Monte Carlo simulation FullText4.Computational study of the effect of sapphire neutron filter on reducing the neutron and secondary-gamma dose rate around the main shield of D channel in TRR FullText5.Design and construction of the plasma water activation device6.Investigation of Radiation-Matter Interaction Effects on Burn Process of Nonequilibrium Deuterium-Tritium Plasma in Inertial Confinement Fusion Approach FullText7.Calculation of the role of Wigner energy in decontamination of Cs-۱۳۷ from irradiated Graphite pores FullText8.Assignment of a radiological map of the city of Borujerd in Iran FullTextتاریخ نمایه سازی مقالات: 20 اسفند 1401 - تعداد نمایش اطلاعات ژورنال: 180 آرشیو سال 1404 Radiation Physics and Engineeringدوره: 6شماره: 1آرشیو سال 1403 Radiation Physics and Engineeringدوره: 5شماره: 4دوره: 5شماره: 3دوره: 5شماره: 2دوره: 5شماره: 1آرشیو سال 1402 Radiation Physics and Engineeringدوره: 4شماره: 4دوره: 4شماره: 3دوره: 4شماره: 2دوره: 4شماره: 1آرشیو سال 1401 Radiation Physics and Engineeringدوره: 3شماره: 4دوره: 3شماره: 3دوره: 3شماره: 2دوره: 3شماره: 1آرشیو سال 1400 Radiation Physics and Engineeringدوره: 2شماره: 4دوره: 2شماره: 3دوره: 2شماره: 2دوره: 2شماره: 1آرشیو سال 1399 Radiation Physics and Engineeringدوره: 1شماره: 1دوره: 1شماره: 2دوره: 1شماره: 3دوره: 1شماره: 4