مجله پیشرفت ها در مهندسی عمران و علوم محیط زیست

Advances in Civil Engineering and Environmental Science

"Advances in Civil Engineering and Environmental Science" (ACEES) is a scholarly journal that serves as a nexus for research and discourse on innovative approaches and solutions in the fields of civil engineering, environmental engineering, and sustainable infrastructure development. With a primary focus on advancing knowledge and addressing contemporary challenges, ACEES provides a platform for researchers, academics, and practitioners to exchange insights and findings in these critical areas.

By exploring the intricate relationships between engineering systems, the environment, and water resources, the ACEES journal offers valuable insights and perspectives on emerging research trends and innovative solutions to address the complex challenges facing modern infrastructure development and environmental sustainability.

A significant portion of ACEES is dedicated to environmental engineering and water and watershed management, recognizing the vital role these disciplines play in shaping our built environment. Through in-depth analyses of civil engineering technologies and environmental impact assessments, ACEES aims to provide valuable insights into mitigating environmental risks and promoting sustainable engineering practices.

We invite authors from around the world to submit their valuable and novel papers to ACEES. Whether your research focuses on civil engineering, environmental engineering, water management, sustainable infrastructure development, or related areas, we welcome contributions that push the boundaries of knowledge and offer practical solutions to real-world challenges.