مقالات Radiation Physics and Engineering، دوره 2، شماره 11.A 14 MeV AVF cyclotron magnet design for PET applications FullText2.Feasibility study of application of ThO2 fuel rods in VVER-1000 fuel assemblies using MCNP and ORIGEN codes FullText3.Dosimetric investigation of esophageal stents carrying I-125 seeds for the treatment of advanced esophageal cancer FullText4.Studies on Photon Buildup of the Dysprosium Doped Lithium Magnesium Borate Glasses System FullText5.Feasibility study of Mo-99 production using high-power electron Linac: Nuclear and thermal-mechanical analysis based on photoneutron interaction FullText6.Investigation of the water to air conversion factor dependency to the spent fuel cooling time, irradiation history and burnup for gamma dose rate determination of TRR spent fuels FullTextتاریخ نمایه سازی مقالات: 18 بهمن 1399 - تعداد نمایش اطلاعات ژورنال: 487 آرشیو سال 1404 Radiation Physics and Engineeringدوره: 6شماره: 1آرشیو سال 1403 Radiation Physics and Engineeringدوره: 5شماره: 4دوره: 5شماره: 3دوره: 5شماره: 2دوره: 5شماره: 1آرشیو سال 1402 Radiation Physics and Engineeringدوره: 4شماره: 4دوره: 4شماره: 3دوره: 4شماره: 2دوره: 4شماره: 1آرشیو سال 1401 Radiation Physics and Engineeringدوره: 3شماره: 4دوره: 3شماره: 3دوره: 3شماره: 2دوره: 3شماره: 1آرشیو سال 1400 Radiation Physics and Engineeringدوره: 2شماره: 4دوره: 2شماره: 3دوره: 2شماره: 2دوره: 2شماره: 1آرشیو سال 1399 Radiation Physics and Engineeringدوره: 1شماره: 1دوره: 1شماره: 2دوره: 1شماره: 3دوره: 1شماره: 4