سمتهای علمی و اجرایی در مجلات و ژورنالهای معتبر ایران
ISI Papers
- "Energy based closed form solution of ZCS multiresonant series-parallel converters", Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), (1996), Vol 11, No 2: 285-291
- "A Novel Pulse-Width and Amplitude Modulation (PWAM) Control Strategy for Power Converters", The Korean Institute of Power Electronics, (2010), Vol 10, No 4: 374-381
- "Innovative Decision Reference Based Algorithm for Photovoltaic Maximum Power Point Tracking", The Korean Institute of Power Electronics, (2010), Vol 10, No 5: 528-537
- "Grid-Connected Photovoltaic System Based on a Cascaded H-Bridge Inverter", The Korean Institute of Power Electronics, (2012), Vol 12, No 4: 578-586
- "A Novel DC Bus Voltage Balancing of Cascaded H-Bridge Converters in D-SSSC Application", The Korean Institute of Power Electronics, (2012), Vol 12, No 4: 567-577
- "Analysis of Ferroresonance Modes in Power Transformers Using Preisach-Type Hysteretic Magnetizing Inductance", Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), (2007), Vol 22, No 2: 919-929
- "A new converter fault discrimination method for a 12-pulse high-voltage direct current system based on wavelet transform and Hidden Markov Models", SAGE Publications, (2011), Vol 88, No 6: 668-679
- "An Accurate Hysteresis Model for Ferroresonance Analysis of a Transformer", Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), (2008), Vol 23, No 3: 1448-1456
- "Optimal placement of additional switch in the photovoltaic single-phase grid-connected transformerless full bridge inverter for reducing common mode leakage current", IEEE, (2015), Vol , No :
- "Semiconductor loss reduction in a Modular Multilevel Converter by harmonic injection to the reference voltage", IEEE, (2017), Vol , No :
- "Reduction of capacitor voltage ripple in a modular multilevel converter employed in adjustable speed drive application", IEEE, (2017), Vol , No :
- "A low-voltage ride-through control strategy for three-phase grid-connected PV systems", IEEE, (2017), Vol , No :
- "A review on current reference calculation of three-phase grid-connected PV converters under grid faults", IEEE, (2017), Vol , No :
- "Reactive power generation for single-phase transformerless Vehicle-to-Grid inverters: A review and new solutions", IEEE, (2017), Vol , No :
- "An improved D-SSSC voltage and current load balancing control strategy under unbalanced load", IEEE, (2017), Vol , No :
- "Modification to Wiring and Protection Standards of Photovoltaic Systems", Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), (2014), Vol 4, No 6: 1603-1609
- "H8 Inverter to Reduce Leakage Current in Transformerless Three-Phase Grid-Connected Photovoltaic systems", Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), (2018), Vol 6, No 2: 910-918
- "A noninvasive on-line failure prediction technique for aluminum electrolytic capacitors in photovoltaic grid-connected inverters", IEEE, (2016), Vol , No :
- "DC-DC converter for energy loss compensation and maximum frequency limitation in capacitive deionization systems", IEEE, (2016), Vol , No :
- "High efficiency wireless power transfer system design for circular magnetic structures", IEEE, (2016), Vol , No :
- "Nonlinear controller design for IPC using feedback linearization method", Elsevier BV, (2013), Vol 44, No 1: 778-785
- "Remanent Flux Negative Effects on Transformer Diagnostic Test Results and a Novel Approach for Its Elimination", Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), (2018), Vol 33, No 6: 2938-2945
- "A novel fuzzy logic DC bus voltage balancing controller for a D-SSSC cascaded H-bridge converter", IEEE, (2010), Vol , No :
- "A new simple method for capacitors voltage balancing in cascaded H-bridge SSSC", IEEE, (2010), Vol , No :
- "Reducing Common-mode voltage and power dissipation in cascaded multilevel inverters with flexible dc sources", IEEE, (2010), Vol , No :
- "The benefits of looping a radial distribution system with a power flow controller", IEEE, (2010), Vol , No :
- "Comparison of three isolated bi-directional DC/DC converter topologies for a backup photovoltaic application", IEEE, (2011), Vol , No :
- "A minimum loss switching method using space vector modulation for cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter", IEEE, (2012), Vol , No :
- "Application of cascaded H-bridge distribution-static synchronous series compensator in electrical distribution system power flow control", Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), (2012), Vol 5, No 9: 1660-1675
- "Combination of power flow controller and short-circuit limiter in distribution electrical network using a cascaded H-bridge distribution-static synchronous series compensator", Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), (2012), Vol 6, No 11: 1121-1131
- "Analysis and modification of the single phase transformerless FB-DCB inverter modulation for injecting reactive power", IEEE, (2015), Vol , No :
- "A Fault-Tolerant Control Strategy for Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Rectifiers", The Korean Institute of Power Electronics, (2010), Vol 10, No 1: 34-42
- "Analysis, control and modeling of cascaded multilevel converter-based IPC", IEEE, (2008), Vol , No :
- "Enhancing the reliability of single-phase CHB-based grid-connected photovoltaic energy systems", IEEE, (2011), Vol , No :
- "Fuzzy Control of Hybrid Fuel Cell / Battery Power Source in Electric Vehicle", IEEE, (2006), Vol , No :
- "Comparison of z-source and boost-buck inverter topologies as a single phase transformer-less photovoltaic grid-connected power conditioner", IEEE, (null), Vol , No :
- "Global Maximum Power Point Tracking Method for Photovoltaic Arrays Under Partial Shading Conditions", Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), (2017), Vol 64, No 4: 2855-2864
- "ZCS‐PWM interleaved boost converter using resonance‐clamp auxiliary circuit", Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), (2017), Vol 10, No 3: 405-412
- "A new control method for improving the performance of Modular multilevel converter", IEEE, (2017), Vol , No :
- "New topology to reduce leakage current in three-phase transformerless grid-connected photovoltaic inverters", IEEE, (2016), Vol , No :
- "A Fuzzy Logic Direct Yaw-Moment Control System for All-Wheel-Drive Electric Vehicles", Informa UK Limited, (2004), Vol 41, No 3: 203-221
- "Modeling and design of a NOx emission reduction strategy for lightweight hybrid electric vehicles", IEEE, (2009), Vol , No :
- "DSP-based Adaptive Control of 3 axes Stabilizer", IEEE, (2007), Vol , No :
- "The power of paper - Effects of power quality distortions on electrical drives and trasformer life in paper industries", Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), (2007), Vol 13, No 5: 38-48
- "Intelligent Energy Management in a Vehicle with Integrated Starter Alternator", IEEE, (2007), Vol , No :
- "Fuzzy Control of a Hybrid Power Source for Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle using Regenerative Braking Ultracapacitor", IEEE, (2006), Vol , No :
- "Quantification of Shading Tolerability for Photovoltaic Modules", Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), (2017), Vol 7, No 5: 1390-1399
- "Increasing the number of voltage levels in single-phase multilevel converters", IEEE, (2015), Vol , No :
- "Open-circuit fault detection and localization in Modular Multilevel Converter", IEEE, (2015), Vol , No :
- "Theoretical study of the effect of ion trap geometry on the dynamic behavior of ions in a Paul trap", Elsevier BV, (2011), Vol 304, No 1: 25-28
- "Flying Capacitor DTC Drive with Reductions in Common Mode Voltage and Stator Overvoltage", The Korean Institute of Power Electronics, (2011), Vol 11, No 4: 512-519
- "Control Strategy for Three-Phase Grid-Connected PV Inverters Enabling Current Limitation Under Unbalanced Faults", Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), (2017), Vol 64, No 11: 8908-8918
- "A Control Approach for a Small-Scale PMSG-Based WECS in the Whole Wind Speed Range", Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), (2017), Vol 32, No 12: 9117-9130
- "Improved Phasor Estimation Method for Dynamic Voltage Restorer Applications", Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), (2015), Vol 30, No 3: 1467-1477
- "A New Modulation Method with Low Switching Frequency for Cascade Multilevel Current Controlled Converter", IEEE, (2007), Vol , No :
- "DTC on multilevel inverters for pumping and ventilation applications", IEEE, (2009), Vol , No :
- "A fast maximum power point tracking technique for PV powered systems", IEEE, (2009), Vol , No :
- "Optimal Selective Harmonic Mitigation Technique on Variable DC Link Cascaded H-Bridge Converter to Meet Power Quality Standards", Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), (2016), Vol 4, No 3: 1107-1116
- "Improved fault ride through strategy for doubly fed induction generator based wind turbines under both symmetrical and asymmetrical grid faults", Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), (2016), Vol 10, No 8: 1114-1122
- "Common mode voltage reduction in a flying capacitor inverter", IEEE, (2010), Vol , No :
- "A Fast and Effective Control Scheme for the Dynamic Voltage Restorer", Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), (2011), Vol 26, No 4: 2398-2406
- "Modelling and simulation of voltage source converter-based interphase power controller as fault-current limiter and power flow controller", Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), (2011), Vol 5, No 11: 1132
- "A novel control strategy for power factor corrections based on predictive algorithm", IEEE, (2010), Vol , No :
- "Hybrid cascaded H-bridge inverter with even power distribution and improved total harmonic distortion: analysis and experimental validation", Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), (2012), Vol 5, No 8: 1245
- "Control of Independent Rear Wheel Drives for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles Using One Neuro-Fuzzy Controller", SAE International, (2003), Vol , No :
- "An Accurate Current Transformer Model Based on Preisach Theory for the Analysis of Electromagnetic Transients", Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), (2008), Vol 23, No 1: 233-242
- "A Gate Driver Circuit for Series-Connected IGBTs Based on Quasi-Active Gate Control", Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), (2018), Vol 6, No 2: 791-799
- "A Method to Control the Interphase Power Controller with Common DC Bus", Informa UK Limited, (2017), Vol 45, No 18: 1996-2006
- "Reactive power sharing improvement of droop‐controlled DFIG wind turbines in a microgrid", Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), (2018), Vol 12, No 4: 842-849
- "A New Interleaved Coupled-Inductor Nonisolated Soft-Switching Bidirectional DC–DC Converter With High Voltage Gain Ratio", Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), (2018), Vol 65, No 7: 5529-5538
- "Selective Harmonic Elimination Technique With Control of Capacitive DC-Link Voltages in an Asymmetric Cascaded H-Bridge Inverter for STATCOM Application", Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), (2018), Vol 65, No 11: 8788-8796
- "A new strategy for load side harmonic reduction using grid-connected photovoltaic inverters", IEEE, (2018), Vol , No :
- "Comparison of power fluctuation between Optislip and DFIG controlled wind turbines", IEEE, (2012), Vol , No :
- "A modulation technique for four-leg voltage source inverter without needing the look-up table", IEEE, (2014), Vol , No :
- "Overall power control strategy for small‐scale WECS incorporating flux weakening operation", Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), (2016), Vol 10, No 9: 1264-1277
- "High-voltage isolated multioutput power supply for multilevel converters", The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK-ULAKBIM) - DIGITAL COMMONS JOURNALS, (2017), Vol 25, No : 3319-3333
- "A Reliable Three-Phase Single-Stage Multiport Inverter for Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Applications", Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), (2019), Vol 7, No 4: 2384-2393
- "Voltage and frequency stability for control of stand-alone DFIG-based wind turbine using direct voltage control method", IEEE, (2014), Vol , No :
- "Proposing a power management method for more exploitation of a stand-alone DFIG-based wind turbine", IEEE, (2014), Vol , No :
- "Improvement of Dynamic Behavior of Shunt Active Power Filter Using Fuzzy Instantaneous Power Theory", The Korean Institute of Power Electronics, (2014), Vol 14, No 6: 1303-1313
- "Control of a transformer-less cascaded H-bridge based STATCOM using low-frequency selective harmonic elimination technique", IEEE, (2013), Vol , No :
- "Stationary frame current control of single phase grid connected PV inverters", IEEE, (2010), Vol , No :
- "Low switching frequency model predictive control of PMSM drives for traction applications", IEEE, (2018), Vol , No :
- "Model Predictive Control of a Multilevel CHB STATCOM in Wind Farm Application Using Diophantine Equations", Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), (2019), Vol 66, No 2: 1213-1223
- "Neural Network based Maximum Power Point Tracking Technique for PV Arrays in Mobile Applications", IEEE, (2019), Vol , No :
- "High Efficiency Electric Vehicle Fast Charging", IEEE, (2019), Vol , No :
- "A New Control Method to Overcome Sympathy Between Transformers using SSSC", IEEE, (2019), Vol , No :
- "Analysis, Design, and Implementation of DC–DC IBBC-DAHB Converter With Voltage Matching to Improve Efficiency", Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), (2019), Vol 66, No 7: 5209-5219
- "A modified control strategy for cascaded H-bridge rectifiers based on the low frequency SHE-PWM", IEEE, (2013), Vol , No :
- "Extending the operating range of cascaded H-bridge based multilevel rectifier under unbalanced load conditions", IEEE, (2010), Vol , No :
- "Reversing the power flow in the looped electrical distribution network by using a Cascaded H-bridge D-SSSC", IEEE, (2011), Vol , No :
- "An LCL-based interface connecting photovoltaic back-up inverter to load and grid", IEEE, (2013), Vol , No :
- "Modified analytical solution for tracking photovoltaic module maximum power point under partial shading condition", IEEE, (2013), Vol , No :
- "Modified space vector modulation for fault‐tolerant operation of multilevel cascaded H‐bridge inverters", Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), (2013), Vol 6, No 4: 742-751
Conference Papers
- مروری بر تعیین نوع مناسب سیستم ذخیره ساز انرژی در نیروگاه توان بادی با اهداف مختلف بهره برداری ارائه شده در 3rd International Conference on Electrical Engineering (1397)
- A New Voltage Sag Simulator Topology for Testing Wind Turbines ارائه شده در The first international conference of modern research engineers in electricity and computer (1395)
- Peak reduction in the qeshm island with photovoltaic farms ارائه شده در The Second National Conference on Applied Research in Electrical, Mechanical and Mechatronics (1393)
- Short Term Performance Evaluation of Different PV Technologies in Tehran Climate Condition ارائه شده در 3rd Iranian conference on Renewable Energies and Distributed Generation (1392)
- کنترل ژنراتور القایی تغذیه دوگانه برای توربین بادی در حالت مستقل از شبکه با استفاده از مبدلهای سه سطحی ارائه شده در Fifth Scientific Conference on Renewable and Clean Energy (1392)
- کنترل سیلان توان و کاهش سطح اتصال کوتاه بطور همزمان توسط جبران سازاستاتیکی سنکرون سری ارائه شده در 20th Iranian Conference on Electric Engineering (1391)
- A Minimum Loss Switching Method Using Space Vector Modulation for Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter ارائه شده در 20th Iranian Conference on Electric Engineering (1391)
- ارزیابی اقتصادی کاهش پیک بار شبکه در جزیره قشم با استفاده از نیروگاه فتوولتاییک ارائه شده در 27th International Power System Conference (1391)
- استفاد از جبران کننده سنکرون استاتیکی سری در کنترل کننده میان فاز ارائه شده در 19th Iranian Conference on Electric Engineering (1390)
- Comparison of Power Fluctuation between Optislip and DFIG Controlled Wind Turbines ارائه شده در The 3rd international Power Electronics, Drive Systems and Technologies Conference (1390)
- Enhancing the Reliability of Single-Phase CHB-Based Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Energy Systems ارائه شده در 2nd international Power Electronics, Drive Systems and Technologies Conference (1389)
- روشی جدید در تحلیل عملکرد حفاظتهای ضدجزیرهای فرکانسی در حالت جزیرهای چند اینورتری ارائه شده در 24nd International Power System Conference (1388)
- طراحی جبران کننده استاتیکی سنکرون سری با استفاده از مبدل چند سطحی پل H متوالی ارائه شده در 24nd International Power System Conference (1388)
- A New Simple Method for Capacitors Voltage balancing in Cascaded H-bridge SSSC ارائه شده در 1st international Power Electronics, Drive Systems and Technologies Conference (1388)
- An Improved Predictive Current Control Method for Grid-Connected Inverters ارائه شده در 1st international Power Electronics, Drive Systems and Technologies Conference (1388)
- کنترل کننده توان میان فاز جدید بر اساس مبدل چند سطحی پل H متوالی ارائه شده در 16th Iranian Conference on Electric Engineering (1387)
- A Novel Scheme at Low Modulation Indices for Step Modulation of H-Bridge Multilevel Converters ارائه شده در 16th Iranian Conference on Electric Engineering (1387)
- حفاظت ضدجزیرهای پردازشگر توان فتوولتائیک با مدولاسیون تکقطبیبه روش اندازهگیری امپدانس شبکه ارائه شده در 23rd International Power System Conference (1387)
- شناسایی خطاهای مبدل HVDC با استفاده از تبدیل موجک و بکارگیری شبکه عصبی RBF احتمالی ارائه شده در 23rd International Power System Conference (1387)
- ارائه آرایش تصحیح کننده ضریب توان جدید با استفاده از کلیدزنی نرم با راندمان بالا ارائه شده در 15th Iranian Conference on Electric Engineering (1386)
- کاهش اعوجاج ولتاژ و مقاوم سازی اینورتر منبع ولتاژ تغذیه کننده بارغیر خطی با استفاده از روش نمودار ضرایب (CDM) ارائه شده در 15th Iranian Conference on Electric Engineering (1386)
- روشی نو در طراحی فیلتر LC خروجی و فرکانس کلید زنی بهینه برای اینروتر منبع ولتاژ با قابلیت تغذییه بارهای غیر خطی با استفاده از تحلیل زمانی و فرکانسی ارائه شده در 15th Iranian Conference on Electric Engineering (1386)
- طراحی و انتخاب کنترل کننده توان میان فاز برای محدود کرن سطح اتصال کوتاه در شبکه ایران ارائه شده در 15th Iranian Conference on Electric Engineering (1386)
- طراحی و بهینه سازی ترانسفورماتور سوئیچینگ سطح توزیع ارائه شده در 22nd International Power System Conference (1386)
- حفاظت ضد جزیره ای شبکه های توزیع دارای منابع فتوولتائیک به روش انحراف فرکانس فعال ارائه شده در 2nd Power Systems Protection & Control Conference (1386)
- مدلسازی و کنترل پیل سوختی PEM و استفاده از آن به عنوان مولد برق خانگی ارائه شده در 14th Iranian Conference on Electric Engineering (1385)
- بهینه سازی بازده محرکه الکتریکی موتور القایی به روش تحلیلی و فازی ارائه شده در 14th Iranian Conference on Electric Engineering (1385)
- تخمی نگر سرعت تحلیلی و عصبی جهت محرکه الکتریکی موتور القایی ارائه شده در 14th Iranian Conference on Electric Engineering (1385)
- اثرات اعوجاج کیفیت توان روی محرکه های القایی، عمر ترانسفورماتور و کیفیت محصول در صنایع چوب و کاغذ مازندران ارائه شده در 11th Conference on Electrical Power Distribution Networks (1385)
- تحلیل و طراحی ترانسفورماتور الکترونیک قدرت با قابلیت بهبود کیفیت توان ارائه شده در 20th International Power System Conference (1384)
- پیشنهاد تدوین استاندارد برای سیستمهای فتوولتاییک متصل به شبکه ارائه شده در 20th International Power System Conference (1384)
- بررسی وتحلیل نتایج تست آزمایشگاهی فرورزونانس یک ترانسفورماتور ولتاژ 33 Kv ارائه شده در 20th International Power System Conference (1384)
- بهینه سازی تخمین شار و ریپل گشتاور در کنترل مستقیم گشتاور موتور القایی ارائه شده در 13th Iranian Conference on Electric Engineering (1384)
- تجربه خشک کردن ترانسفورماتورهای کهنه با سیستم گرمایش فرکانس پایین در کشور ارائه شده در 13th Iranian Conference on Electric Engineering (1384)
- طراحی وساخت منبع تغذیه شارژ کننده خازنی ، c.c.p.s به روش رزنانسی موازی با جریان سینوسی با دامنه ثابت و کنترل PWM ارائه شده در 13th Iranian Conference on Electric Engineering (1384)
- روش جدید تعیین وضعیت شارژ باتری سرب اسید با استفاده از ولتاژ ترمینال و مقاومت داخلی ارائه شده در 12th Iranian Conference on Electric Engineering (1383)
- طراحی و ساخت منبع تغذیه سه کیلووات با عملکرد دو گانه ولتاژ و جریان جهت شبیه سازی آرایه های خورشیدی ارائه شده در 12th Iranian Conference on Electric Engineering (1383)
- طراحی و ساخت راه انداز سلول پاکل ارائه شده در 12th Iranian Conference on Electric Engineering (1383)
- طراحی و تکامل مدار کنترل اینورتر سیستم فتوولتاییک متصل به شبکه به قدرت 5 کیلو وات ارائه شده در 12th Iranian Conference on Electric Engineering (1383)
- طراحی و ساخت دستگاه شبیه ساز آرایه خورشیدی ارائه شده در 18th International Power System Conference (1382)
- سیستم متصل به شبکه به قدرت 5 کیلووات با استفاده از مبدل تشدیدی موازی ارائه شده در 18th International Power System Conference (1382)
- طراحی و مدلسازی دستگاه شبیه سازآرایه خورشیدی PV array simulator ارائه شده در 11th Iranian Conference on Electric Engineering (1382)
Journal Papers
- یک کنترل کننده فازی برای ژنراتور مغناطیس دائم داخلی استفاده شده در سامانه تبدیل انرژی بادی منتشر شده در Journal of Computational Intelligence in Electrical Engineering (1395)
- کنترل ژنراتور القایی تغذیه دوگانه برای توربین بادی ۶۶۰ کیلوواتی در حالت مستقل از شبکه منتشر شده در Journal of Energy Engineering & Management (1393)
- روشی جدید در تحلیل عملکرد حفاظت های ضد جزیره ای فرکانسی در حالت جزیره ای چند اینورتری منتشر شده در Journal of Iranian Association of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (1391)
- مدلسازی پدیده فرورزونانس در ترانسفورماتورها با استفاده از مدل جدید هیسترزیس هسته منتشر شده در Journal of Iranian Association of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (1386)