فاطمه پنجه علی بیک | سیویلیکا

دکتر فاطمه پنجه علی بیک

Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Computer and Mathematical sciences, Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan


سمتهای علمی و اجرایی فاطمه پنجه علی بیک در مجلات و ژورنال‌های معتبر ایران

  • مجله روشهای محاسباتی برای معادلات دیفرانسیل (هیات تحریریه)

سمتهای علمی و اجرایی فاطمه پنجه علی بیک در کنفرانس ها و نشستهای معتبر ایران

  • دانشگاه ولی عصر (عج) رفسنجان (عضو هیات علمی)

مقالات بین المللی فاطمه پنجه علی بیک

"On the Solvability of Tensor Absolute Value Equations", Springer Science and Business Media LLC, (2022), Vol 45, No 6: 3157-3176
"Preconditioned iterative methods for multi-linear systems based on the majorization matrix", Informa UK Limited, (2021), Vol 70, No 20: 5827-5846
"On global iterative schemes based on Hessenberg process for (ill-posed) Sylvester tensor equations", Elsevier BV, (2020), Vol 373, No : 112216
"Uzawa-Type and Augmented Lagrangian Methods for Double Saddle Point Systems", Springer International Publishing, (2019), Vol , No : 215-236
"Iterative Methods for Double Saddle Point Systems", Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics (SIAM), (2018), Vol 39, No 2: 902-921
"Delayed over-relaxation in iterative schemes to solve rank deficient linear system of (matrix) equations", National Library of Serbia, (2018), Vol 32, No 9: 3181-3198
"Block triangular preconditioners for stabilized saddle point problems with nonsymmetric (1,1)-block", Elsevier
"Block preconditioners for saddle point systems arising from liquid crystal directors modeling", Springer Science and Business Media LLC, (2018), Vol 55, No 3:
"An Explicit Formula for the Inverse of Arrowhead and Doubly Arrow Matrices", Springer Science and Business Media LLC, (2018), Vol 4, No 3:
"A cyclic iterative approach and its modified version to solve coupled Sylvester-transpose matrix equations", Informa UK Limited, (2017), Vol 65, No 12: 2406-2423
"On the iterative refinement of the solution of ill-conditioned linear system of equations", Informa UK Limited, (2017), Vol 95, No 2: 427-443
"On block diagonal and block triangular iterative schemes and preconditioners for stabilized saddle point problems", Elsevier BV, (2017), Vol 326, No : 15-30
"On the Krylov subspace methods based on tensor format for positive definite Sylvester tensor equations", Wiley, (2016), Vol 23, No 3: 444-466
"An efficient iterative algorithm for quaternionic least-squares problems over the generalized -(anti-)bi-Hermitian matrices", Informa UK Limited, (2016), Vol 65, No 9: 1743-1769
"An Iterative algorithm for $\eta$-(anti)-Hermitian least-squares solutions of quaternion matrix equations", University of Wyoming Libraries, (2015), Vol 30, No :
"On the preconditioned AOR iterative method for Z-matrices", Springer Science and Business Media LLC, (2015), Vol 36, No 2: 877-883
"Weighted versions of Gl-FOM and Gl-GMRES for solving general coupled linear matrix equations", Pleiades Publishing Ltd, (2015), Vol 55, No 10: 1606-1618
"An iterative algorithm for the best approximate (P, Q)-orthogonal symmetric and skew-symmetric solution pair of coupled matrix equations", SAGE Publications, (2015), Vol 39, No 4: 537-554
"Iterative algorithms for least-squares solutions of a quaternion matrix equation", Springer Science and Business Media LLC, (2015), Vol 53, No 1-2: 95-127
"Weighted versions of Gl-FOM and Gl-GMRES for solving general coupled linear matrix equations", Akademizdatcenter Nauka, (2015), Vol 55, No 10: 1646-1646
"Minimum norm least-squares solution to general complex coupled linear matrix equations via iteration", National Library of Serbia, (2015), Vol 29, No 6: 1389-1407
"A finite iterative algorithm for Hermitian reflexive and skew-Hermitian solution groups of the general coupled linear matrix equations", Springer Science and Business Media LLC, (2014), Vol 48, No 1-2: 129-155
"A modified iterative algorithm for the (Hermitian) reflexive solution of the generalized Sylvester matrix equation", SAGE Publications, (2014), Vol 36, No 6: 815-827
"The coupled Sylvester-transpose matrix equations over generalized centro-symmetric matrices", Informa UK Limited, (2013), Vol 90, No 7: 1546-1566
"Preconditioned generalized mixed-type splitting iterative method for solving weighted least-squares problems", Informa UK Limited, (2013), Vol 91, No 5: 944-963
"The general coupled linear matrix equations with conjugate and transpose unknowns over the mixed groups of generalized reflexive and anti-reflexive matrices", Springer Science and Business Media LLC, (2013), Vol 33, No 3: 795-820
"Gradient-based iterative algorithm for solving the generalized coupled Sylvester-transpose and conjugate matrix equations over reflexive (anti-reflexive) matrices", SAGE Publications, (2013), Vol 36, No 1: 99-110
"On the gradient-based algorithm for solving the general coupled matrix equations", SAGE Publications, (2013), Vol 36, No 3: 375-381
"On the global Krylov subspace methods for solving general coupled matrix equations", Elsevier BV, (2011), Vol 62, No 12: 4605-4613