طاهره شکوهی | سیویلیکا

پروفسور طاهره شکوهی

Invasive Fungi Research Center(IFRC), Communicable Diseases Institute, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran


سمتهای علمی و اجرایی طاهره شکوهی در مجلات و ژورنال‌های معتبر ایران

  • مجله قارچ شناسی پزشکی (سردبیر)

سمتهای علمی و اجرایی طاهره شکوهی در کنفرانس ها و نشستهای معتبر ایران

  • دانشگاه علوم پزشکی و خدمات بهداشتی درمانی مازندران (عضو هیات علمی)

مقالات بین المللی طاهره شکوهی

"Antifungal activity of miltefosine against both azole-susceptible and -resistant Aspergillus strains", Elsevier BV, (2023), Vol 61, No 3: 106715
"Potential Inhibitory Effect of Miltefosine against Terbinafine-Resistant Trichophyton indotineae", MDPI AG, (2023), Vol 12, No 4: 606
"Role of nanostructured lipid carriers in the expression alterations of ATP-binding cassette transporter genes in fluconazole-resistant Candida glabrata ", Maad Rayan Publishing Company, (2022), Vol , No :
"In vitro interaction between glabridin and voriconazole against Aspergillus fumigatus isolates", Elsevier BV, (2021), Vol 38, No 3: 145-147
"Molecular epidemiology and antifungal susceptibility profiles of clinical Cryptococcus neoformans/Cryptococcus gattii species complex", Microbiology Society, (2020), Vol 69, No 1: 72-81
"<p>Fatal Prosthetic Valve Endocarditis Due to <em>Aspergillus flavus</em> in a Diabetic Patient</p>", Informa UK Limited, (2020), Vol Volume 13, No : 2245-2250
"Multicenter Cryptococcal Antigen Screening of HIV-Infected Patients in Iran", Springer Science and Business Media LLC, (2020), Vol 77, No 8: 1667-1672
"Identification of opportunistic and nonopportunistic Exophiala species using high resolution melting analysis", Oxford University Press (OUP), (2020), Vol 58, No 7: 938-945
"Candida infanticola and Candida spencermartinsiae yeasts: Possible emerging species in cancer patients", Elsevier BV, (2018), Vol 115, No : 353-357
"Voriconazole associated mucormycosis in a patient with relapsed acute lymphoblastic leukemia and hematopoietic stem cell transplant failure: A case report", Elsevier BV, (2018), Vol 28, No 3: 527-530
"Low In Vitro Antifungal Activity of Tavaborole against Yeasts and Molds from Onychomycosis", American Society for Microbiology, (2018), Vol 62, No 12:
"Improved delivery of voriconazole to Aspergillus fumigatus through solid lipid nanoparticles as an effective carrier", Elsevier BV, (2018), Vol 558, No : 338-342
"In vitro antitumor activity of patulin on cervical and colorectal cancer cell lines", Armenian Green Publishing Co., (2017), Vol 3, No 1: 25-29
"In vitro activity of five antifungal drugs against Candida albicans isolates in Sari, Iran", CASRP: Center of Advanced Scientific Research and Publications, (2016), Vol 2, No 2: 0-0
"Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis in Patients with Non-Decompensated Liver Cirrhosis: A Case Report", Briefland, (2016), Vol 11, No 3:
"Invasive forms of Candida and Aspergillus in sputum samples of pulmonary tuberculosis patients attending the tuberculosis reference laboratory in Ghaemshahr, Northern Iran: An analysis of samples collected during the past 10years", Medknow, (2016), Vol 5, No : S179-S180
"In vitroactivity of new azoles luliconazole and lanoconazole compared with ten other antifungal drugs against clinical dermatophyte isolates: Table 1.", Oxford University Press (OUP), (2016), Vol 54, No 7: 757-763
"In Vitro Activities of Six Antifungal Drugs Against Candida glabrata Isolates: An Emerging Pathogen", Briefland, (2016), Vol 9, No 5:
"Hyphal wall protein 1 gene: A potential marker for the identification of different Candida species and phylogenetic analysis", CASRP: Center of Advanced Scientific Research and Publications, (2016), Vol 2, No 4: 1-8
"High prevalence of clinical and environmental triazole-resistant Aspergillus fumigatus in Iran: is it a challenging issue?", Microbiology Society, (2016), Vol 65, No 6: 468-475
"Genetic and Morphological Diversity of the Genus Penicillium From Mazandaran and Tehran Provinces, Iran", Briefland, (2016), Vol 9, No 1:
"Clinical features, diagnosis, and outcomes of rhino-orbito-cerebral mucormycosis: A retrospective analysis", CASRP: Center of Advanced Scientific Research and Publications, (2016), Vol 2, No 4: 15-23
"Characterization of clinically important dermatophytes in North of Iran using PCR-RFLP on ITS region", Elsevier BV, (2016), Vol 26, No 4: 345-350
"Expression Patterns of ABC Transporter Genes in Fluconazole-Resistant Candida glabrata", Springer Science and Business Media LLC, (2016), Vol 182, No 3-4: 273-284
"In vitro activity of econazole in comparison with three common antifungal agents against clinical Candida strains isolated from superficial infections", CASRP: Center of Advanced Scientific Research and Publications, (2015), Vol 1, No 4: 7-12
"Detection of fungi by conventional methods and semi-nested PCR in patients with presumed fungal keratitis", CASRP: Center of Advanced Scientific Research and Publications, (2015), Vol 1, No 2: 31-38
"Use of Padlock Probes and Rolling Circle Amplification (RCA) for Rapid Identification of Trichophyton Species, Related to Human and Animal Disorder", Briefland, (2015), Vol 8, No 6:
"Rare Case ofAspergillus ochraceusOsteomyelitis of Calcaneus Bone in a Patient with Diabetic Foot Ulcers", Hindawi Limited, (2015), Vol 2015, No : 1-5
"Multilocus sequence typing of Candida albicans isolates from a burn intensive care unit in Iran", Microbiology Society, (2015), Vol 64, No 3: 248-253
"Molecular Characterization of Highly Susceptible Candida africana from Vulvovaginal Candidiasis", Springer Science and Business Media LLC, (2015), Vol 180, No 5-6: 317-323
"High Recovery Rate of Non-albicans Candida Species Isolated From Burn Patients With Candidemia in Iran", Briefland, (2015), Vol 8, No 10:
"Evaluation ofCandidaColonization and Specific Humoral Responses againstCandida albicansin Patients with Atopic Dermatitis", Hindawi Limited, (2015), Vol 2015, No : 1-5
"Corrigendum to “Evaluation ofCandidaColonization and Specific Humoral Responses againstCandida albicansin Patients with Atopic Dermatitis”", Hindawi Limited, (2015), Vol 2015, No : 1-1
"Coexistence of opportunistic mycosis and mycobacterium tuberculosis in patients attending the Central Tuberculosis Reference Laboratory of Ghaemshahr city, Iran", Medknow, (2015), Vol 4, No : 129
"Coinfection of Pulmonary Hydatid Cyst and Aspergilloma: Case Report and Systematic Review", Springer Science and Business Media LLC, (2015), Vol 181, No 3-4: 255-265
"Fungal Prosthetic Valve Endocarditis by Candida parapsilosis: A Case Report", Briefland, (2014), Vol 7, No 3:
"Study on fungi in archives of offices, with a particular focus on Stachybotrys chartarum", Elsevier BV, (2013), Vol 23, No 4: 242-246
"Detection of invasive aspergillosis in bone marrow transplant recipients using real-time PCR", Medknow, (2013), Vol 5, No 2: 68
"Comparison of Diagnostic Methods in the Evaluation of Onychomycosis", Springer Science and Business Media LLC, (2013), Vol 175, No 3-4: 315-321
"Epidemiology and molecular characterization of Cryptococcus neoformans isolated from pigeon excreta in Mazandaran province, northern Iran", Elsevier BV, (2012), Vol 22, No 2: 160-166
"Study on fungal flora of tap water as a potential reservoir of fungi in hospitals in Sari city, Iran", Elsevier BV, (2011), Vol 21, No 1: 10-14
"Cryptococcus neoformans isolation from swallow (Hirundo rustica) excreta in Iran", FapUNIFESP (SciELO), (2011), Vol 53, No 3: 125-127
"Identification of Candida species using PCR-RFLP in cancer patients in Iran", Elsevier BV, (2010), Vol 28, No 2: 147-151
"A study on tinea gladiatorum in young wrestlers and dermatophyte contamination of wrestling mats from Sari, Iran", BMJ, (2007), Vol 41, No 5: 332-334
"Honey has an antifungal effect againstCandidaspecies", Oxford University Press (OUP), (2006), Vol 44, No 3: 289-291