Investigation of Fiber Concretes and their properties and advantages

Publish Year: 1398
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 12 شهریور 1399


Concrete is a versatile building material that is made from a combination of cement, aggregates, water and sometimes with additives. Concrete works very well in compressive strength but is poor in tensile strength. Additives and reinforcers such as fibers (steel fibers, polypropylene fibers, plastic fibers, etc.) can be used to complement the tensile strength of the concrete in the tensile area and prevent cracks. Fiber Concrete is a combination of high-grade concrete and special fibers such as synthetic fibers, polypropylene fibers (PP fibers), metal fibers, etc., which are added by executives into the concrete mixer after slicing and the surface formatting is performed on the surface. Fiber concrete is actually a composite that increases the tensile strength with the use of reinforcing fibers inside the concrete mixture. This composite has good integrity and consistency and allows the use of concrete as a ductile material to produce durable surfaces. Fiber concrete also has high energy absorption and has good properties such as high ductility, excellent strength, energy absorption and cracking stability which can be used in many ways. This paper introduces fiber concrete and their properties and advantages.


Masoud Lakzadeh

Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Shahid Chamran Technical and Vocational University, Kerman, Iran

Mohammad Ali Shahri

Department of Civil Engineering, Student of Shahid Chamran Technical and Vocational University, Kerman, Iran

Mehran Mahdavinia

Department of Civil Engineering, Student of Shahid Chamran Technical and Vocational University, Kerman, Iran