An Overview of Gas Overflow in Gaseous Hydrates

Publish Year: 1400
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 22 دی 1399


Basically, the design of the gas extraction supplementary string is specific to wells in which the pressure column of the fluid produced is close to or higher than the reservoir pressure. If the reservoir pressure cannot overcome the column of fluid produced or this pressure difference leads to production with low flow, the brain tube must be used. In this way, by pumping gas through this string and lightening the column and producing from the circular space, they solve the problem. In this way, after pumping, the gas comes out of the side of the suction valve and lightens the fluid column. It should be noted, however, that reducing the diameter of the production cavity created by driving such filaments increases the velocity of the fluid and gives the fluid less opportunity to lose its soluble gas. It is obvious that the use of several lateral positions of the overflow valve in the field of overflow with gas has made it possible to inject gas from several points. In the continuous flow of ascent with base gas and the general rule, the energy resulting from the expansion of gas is from a high pressure to a low pressure that can be used to develop and increase the flow of fluid in the well. The use of this energy is generally continuous, which is in the form of continuous injection of gas into the fluid inside the well.


Masood Bagheri Sadr

Department of Chemical Engineering,

Alireza Bozorgian

Department of Chemical Engineering, Mahshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mahshahr, Iran

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