۲-Arachidonoylglycerol enrichment Reduced Epileptiform Activity of the Rat Hippocampus induced with Pentylenetetrazol
Publish Year: 1397
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 11 اردیبهشت 1400
Background and Objective: ۲-arachidonoylglycerol (۲-AG) and anandamide (AEA) are two major endocannabinoids. Using inhibitors of the enzymatic pathways involved in the elimination of ۲-AG and AEA as well as synthetic ۲-AG, we examined the effectiveness of these endocannabinoids on epileptiform activity induced in Wistar rats by pentylenetetrazol (PTZ).
Material and Methods: Adult male Wistar rats were used in this study. Epileptiform activity was induced in dult male Wistar rats by PTZ injection (۲۰ mg/kg, i.p.). To inhibit ۲-AG degradation WWL۷۰ and JJKK۰۴۸ (JJKK۰۴۸: ۱ mg/kg, WWL۷۰: ۵ mg/kg, i.p.) were used. To inhibit AEA elimination, URB۵۹۷ and LY۲۱۸۳۲۴۰ (URB۵۹۷: ۱ mg/kg, LY۲۱۸۳۲۴۰: ۲.۵ mg/kg, i.p.) were used. Synthetic ۲-AG was also examined (۱ mg/kg, i.p.) before the PTZ injection. All drugs were dissolved in DMSO as vehicle and injected (i.p.) ۱۵ minutes before the PTZ injection. Latency to onset and duration of the epileptiform activity were considered for statistical analysis.
Results: Injection of (JJKK۰۴۸+WWL۷۰) before the PTZ significantly increased latency to onset of the epileptiform activity (p<۰.۰۱), while reduced duration of the epileptiform activity in comparison to the vehicle (p<۰.۰۵). In addition, ۲-AG administration significantly increased latency to onset of the epileptiform activity (p<۰.۰۵) and reduced duration of the epileptiform activity in comparison to the vehicle (p<۰.۰۱). However, these indexes did not show significant changes when URB۵۹۷+LY۲۱۸۳۲۴۰ were injected before the PTZ (p>۰.۰۵).
Conclusion: It seems increased level of ۲-AG but not AEA,effectively decreases PTZ induced epileptiform activity of the hippocampus.
پریسا زارعی
Dept of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Arak University of Medical Sciences, Arak, Iran
مهدی صادقی
Dept. of Fundamental Neurobiology, Krembil Research Institute, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
حمیرا مرادی چامه
Dept. of Fundamental Neurobiology, Krembil Research Institute, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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