شیمی کانی و خاستگاه کروم در گارنت های یووارویت دار بابانظر ( شمال شرق تکاب)

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 18 مرداد 1400


گارنت کالک سیلیکات­های بابانظر در شمال شرق تکاب، پهنه سنندج- سیرجان، واقع هستند. از ویژگی­های بارز این کالک سیلیکات­ها، وجودگارنت های بی شکل تا شکل دار و به رنگ سبز است. بررسی شیمی کانی نشان می دهد که این گارنت ها از نوع آندرادیت- گروسولار هستند و تا بیش از ۱۳ درصد یووارویت دارند. مقدار بالای کروم در گارنت، حضور کروم اسپینل که دارای هسته غنی از کروم نسبت به حاشیه است و کانی های کدر سولفیدی چون پیریت و کالکوپیریت در این واحد کالک سیلیکات­ها  شواهدی از سنگ مادر فرامافیک هستند که می تواند منبع کروم برای گارنت باشد. شباهت ترکیب زمین شیمیایی این گارنت کالک سیلیکات­های با سنگ های فرامافیک نیز با سنگ مادر فرامافیک سازگار است. این سنگ ها دستخوش دگرسانی گرمابی شده­اند که موجب بالا رفتن مقدارCa  و پایین آمدن مقدار Mg درگارنت و سنگ میزبان در مقایسه با گارنت های گوشته ای و سنگ های فرامافیک شده است. ورود سیال های غنی از CO۲ موجب کربناتیتی شدن سنگ مادر فرامافیک و خروج ترجیحی Mg می شود. گسل ها به عنوان کانال هایی برای چرخش سیال های گرمابی نقش کلیدی در فرایند دگرسانی گرمابی دارند.       


زیبا خدائیان چگنی

Department of Geology, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

نعمت ا... رشیدنژاد عمران

Department of Geology, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

علی اکبر بهاری فر

Department of Geology, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

کارملا واکارو

Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate CNR-ISAC, Bologna, Italy

آیدا ماریا کونته

C.N.R.-IGAG c/o Department of Earth Sciences, Sapienza University, Rome, Italy.

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  • Kanungo D.R., Malpe D.B., Radhakrishnan C.J, "Chrome-Rich Green Garnets from ...
  • Von Knorring O., Condliffe E., Tong Y. L., "some mineralogical ...
  • Parthasarathy G., Balaram V., Srinivasan R., "Characterization of green garnets ...
  • Saki S., Kiani M., "review of gemology and genesis of ...
  • Shirmohammadi p., "mineralogy and geochemistry of Baba- Nazar garnet (Takab, ...
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  • Barghi B., "geology and geochemistry of Tajghani and Kamartelar chromite ...
  • Barghi B., Zarrinkob M. H., "mineralogy of green color garnet ...
  • Montaseri M., "mineralogy, geochemistry and petrogensis of green garnet in ...
  • BabaKhani A., Ghalamghash J., "Geological Quadrangle Map", Geological Survey of ...
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  • Berberian M., King G.C.P., "Towards a paleogeography and tectonic evolution ...
  • Alavi Naini M., Amidi M., Tavousian Sh., Hajian J., Bolourchi ...
  • Rashidnejad Omran N., Momenzade M., "two ophiolitic suites index in ...
  • Whitney D. L., Evans B. W., "abbreviations for names of ...
  • Droop G. T.R, "Alpine metamorphism of pelitic schists in the ...
  • Locock A, J., "an Excel spread sheet to recast analyses ...
  • Pan Y., Fleet M.E., "Cr-rich calc-silicates from the Hemlo area ...
  • Smirnov V. I., Ginzburg A. I., Grigoriev V. M., Yakoviev ...
  • Winter J.D., "Principles of igneous and metamorphic petrology, second edition, ...
  • Harangi S., Downes H., Kosa L., Szabo C., Thirlwall M.F., ...
  • Schulze D. J., "A classification scheme for mantle-derived garnets in ...
  • Cookenboo H.O., Grütter H.S., "Mantle-derived indicator mineral compositions asapplied to ...
  • Heimann A., Spry P.G., Teale G.S., Conor C.H.H., Leyh W.R., ...
  • Deer W.A., Howie R.A., Zussman J., "Rock-forming Minerals, ۱A, Orthosilicates", ...
  • Sobolev N.V., Lavrent'ev Yu.G., Pokhilenko N.P., Usova L.V., "Chrome-rich garnets ...
  • Clarke D. B., Carswell D. A., "Green garnets from the ...
  • Kesson S.E., Ringwood A.E., "Slab-mantle interactions", The formation of diamonds: ...
  • Frankel J.J., "Uvarovite garnet and South African jade (Hydrogrossular) from ...
  • Nixon P.H., Hornung G., "A new chromium garnet end member, ...
  • Klemme S., Van miltenburg J. C., Javorsky P., Wastin F., ...
  • Chepurov A., Turkin A., Dereppe J.M., "interaction of serpentine and ...
  • Suggate S.M., Hall R., "Using detrital garnet compositions to determine ...
  • Irvine N.T., "Chromian spinel as a petrogenetic indica tor Part ...
  • Arai S., "A review of my mantle petrology, message to ...
  • Arai S., Hirai H., Uto K., "Mantle peridotite xenoliths from ...
  • Taguchi T., Satish-Kumar M., Hokada T., Jayananda M., "petrogenesis of ...
  • Kamenetsky V.S., Crawford A.J., Meffre S., "Factors controlling chemistry of ...
  • Mondal S.K., Ripley E.M., Li C., Frei R., "The genesis ...
  • Rollinson H., "The geochemistry of mantle chromitites from the northern ...
  • Mukherjee R., Mondal S.K., Rosing M.T., Frei R., "Compositional variations ...
  • Colakloglu A. R., "Geology and geochemical characteristics of Gevaş listwaenites ...
  • Kashkai M.A., Allakhverdiev S.H.I., "Listvenites, their origin and classification", Institute ...
  • Capedri S., Rossi A., "Conditions governing the formation of ophi-calcites ...
  • Buisson G., Leblanc M., "Gold-bearing listwaenites (carbonatized ultramafic rocks) from ...
  • Tsikouras B., Karapi S., Grammatikopoulos A.T., Hatzipanagiotou K., "Listwaenite evolution ...
  • Lutkov V. S., Mogarovskii V. V., V. Ya. Lutkova, "Petrogeochemistry ...
  • Emam A., Zoheir B., "Au and Cr mobilization through metasomatism, ...
  • Abdel-Aal M., Abdel-Karim Shaimaa A., El Shafei, "Mineralogy and chemical ...
  • Aftabi A., Zarrinkoub M H., "Petrogeochemistry of listvenite association in ...
  • Burkhard D. I. M., "Accessory chromium spinels: their coexistence and ...
  • Halls C., Zhao R., "Listvenite and related rocks: pespectives on ...
  • Ferenc S., Uher P., Spišiak J., Šimonov V., "Chromium- and ...
  • Hansen L. D., Dipple G. M., Gordon T. M., Kellet ...
  • Wan H.M., Yeh C.L., "Uvarovite and grossular from the Fengtien ...
  • Kalamarides R.I., Berg J.H., "Coexisting Cr-rich and Cr-poor garnet from ...
  • Challis A., Grapes R., Palmer K., "Chromian muscovite, uvarovite, and ...
  • Kerr P.F., "Optical mineralogy", McGra-Hill book company, ۴۹۲P (۱۹۷۷) ...
  • Melcher F., Grum W., Simon G., Thalhammer T.V., Stumpfl E.F., ...
  • Emerson E. A., "analysis of oxidation in garnets, bachelor thesis", ...
  • Saidi M., Falahati S., Noghreyan M., Khalili M., Ghahraipour M., ...
  • Belogub E. V., Melekestseva I., Novoselov K. A., Zabotina M. ...
  • Turekian K. K., Wedepohl K. W., "Distribution of the elements ...
  • Balciunaite I., Kleismantas A., Norkus E., "chemical composition of rare ...
  • Kanungo D.R., Malpe D.B., Radhakrishnan C.J, "Chrome-Rich Green Garnets from ...
  • Von Knorring O., Condliffe E., Tong Y. L., "some mineralogical ...
  • Parthasarathy G., Balaram V., Srinivasan R., "Characterization of green garnets ...
  • Saki S., Kiani M., "review of gemology and genesis of ...
  • Shirmohammadi p., "mineralogy and geochemistry of Baba- Nazar garnet (Takab, ...
  • Alipour S., Shirmohammadi p., RahimSouri Y., "Geochemistry of REEs and ...
  • Alipour S., Shirmohammadi p., RahimSouri Y., Bagheri H., "Geology, petrography ...
  • Barghi B., "geology and geochemistry of Tajghani and Kamartelar chromite ...
  • Barghi B., Zarrinkob M. H., "mineralogy of green color garnet ...
  • Montaseri M., "mineralogy, geochemistry and petrogensis of green garnet in ...
  • BabaKhani A., Ghalamghash J., "Geological Quadrangle Map", Geological Survey of ...
  • Stocklin J., "Structural history and tectonics of Iran, a review", ...
  • Berberian M., King G.C.P., "Towards a paleogeography and tectonic evolution ...
  • Alavi Naini M., Amidi M., Tavousian Sh., Hajian J., Bolourchi ...
  • Rashidnejad Omran N., Momenzade M., "two ophiolitic suites index in ...
  • Whitney D. L., Evans B. W., "abbreviations for names of ...
  • Droop G. T.R, "Alpine metamorphism of pelitic schists in the ...
  • Locock A, J., "an Excel spread sheet to recast analyses ...
  • Pan Y., Fleet M.E., "Cr-rich calc-silicates from the Hemlo area ...
  • Smirnov V. I., Ginzburg A. I., Grigoriev V. M., Yakoviev ...
  • Winter J.D., "Principles of igneous and metamorphic petrology, second edition, ...
  • Harangi S., Downes H., Kosa L., Szabo C., Thirlwall M.F., ...
  • Schulze D. J., "A classification scheme for mantle-derived garnets in ...
  • Cookenboo H.O., Grütter H.S., "Mantle-derived indicator mineral compositions asapplied to ...
  • Heimann A., Spry P.G., Teale G.S., Conor C.H.H., Leyh W.R., ...
  • Deer W.A., Howie R.A., Zussman J., "Rock-forming Minerals, ۱A, Orthosilicates", ...
  • Sobolev N.V., Lavrent'ev Yu.G., Pokhilenko N.P., Usova L.V., "Chrome-rich garnets ...
  • Clarke D. B., Carswell D. A., "Green garnets from the ...
  • Kesson S.E., Ringwood A.E., "Slab-mantle interactions", The formation of diamonds: ...
  • Frankel J.J., "Uvarovite garnet and South African jade (Hydrogrossular) from ...
  • Nixon P.H., Hornung G., "A new chromium garnet end member, ...
  • Klemme S., Van miltenburg J. C., Javorsky P., Wastin F., ...
  • Chepurov A., Turkin A., Dereppe J.M., "interaction of serpentine and ...
  • Suggate S.M., Hall R., "Using detrital garnet compositions to determine ...
  • Irvine N.T., "Chromian spinel as a petrogenetic indica tor Part ...
  • Arai S., "A review of my mantle petrology, message to ...
  • Arai S., Hirai H., Uto K., "Mantle peridotite xenoliths from ...
  • Taguchi T., Satish-Kumar M., Hokada T., Jayananda M., "petrogenesis of ...
  • Kamenetsky V.S., Crawford A.J., Meffre S., "Factors controlling chemistry of ...
  • Mondal S.K., Ripley E.M., Li C., Frei R., "The genesis ...
  • Rollinson H., "The geochemistry of mantle chromitites from the northern ...
  • Mukherjee R., Mondal S.K., Rosing M.T., Frei R., "Compositional variations ...
  • Colakloglu A. R., "Geology and geochemical characteristics of Gevaş listwaenites ...
  • Kashkai M.A., Allakhverdiev S.H.I., "Listvenites, their origin and classification", Institute ...
  • Capedri S., Rossi A., "Conditions governing the formation of ophi-calcites ...
  • Buisson G., Leblanc M., "Gold-bearing listwaenites (carbonatized ultramafic rocks) from ...
  • Tsikouras B., Karapi S., Grammatikopoulos A.T., Hatzipanagiotou K., "Listwaenite evolution ...
  • Lutkov V. S., Mogarovskii V. V., V. Ya. Lutkova, "Petrogeochemistry ...
  • Emam A., Zoheir B., "Au and Cr mobilization through metasomatism, ...
  • Abdel-Aal M., Abdel-Karim Shaimaa A., El Shafei, "Mineralogy and chemical ...
  • Aftabi A., Zarrinkoub M H., "Petrogeochemistry of listvenite association in ...
  • Burkhard D. I. M., "Accessory chromium spinels: their coexistence and ...
  • Halls C., Zhao R., "Listvenite and related rocks: pespectives on ...
  • Ferenc S., Uher P., Spišiak J., Šimonov V., "Chromium- and ...
  • Hansen L. D., Dipple G. M., Gordon T. M., Kellet ...
  • Wan H.M., Yeh C.L., "Uvarovite and grossular from the Fengtien ...
  • Kalamarides R.I., Berg J.H., "Coexisting Cr-rich and Cr-poor garnet from ...
  • Challis A., Grapes R., Palmer K., "Chromian muscovite, uvarovite, and ...
  • Kerr P.F., "Optical mineralogy", McGra-Hill book company, ۴۹۲P (۱۹۷۷) ...
  • Melcher F., Grum W., Simon G., Thalhammer T.V., Stumpfl E.F., ...
  • Emerson E. A., "analysis of oxidation in garnets, bachelor thesis", ...
  • Saidi M., Falahati S., Noghreyan M., Khalili M., Ghahraipour M., ...
  • Belogub E. V., Melekestseva I., Novoselov K. A., Zabotina M. ...
  • Turekian K. K., Wedepohl K. W., "Distribution of the elements ...
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