A Generalized Identification of Joint Structural State and Unknown Inputs Using Data Fusion MKF-UI
Publish Year: 1400
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 20 مرداد 1400
The classical Kalman filter (KF) can estimate the structural state online in real time. However, the classical KF presupposes that external excitations are known. The existing methods of Kalman filter with unknown inputs (KF-UI) have limitations that require observing the acceleration response at the excitation point or assuming the unknown force. To surmount the above defects, an innovative modal Kalman filter with unknown inputs (MKF-UI) is proposed in this paper. Modal transformation and modal truncation are used to reduce the dimensionality of the structural state, and the accelerations at the excitation positions do not need to observe. Besides, the proposed MKF-UI does not require the assumption of unknown external excitation. Therefore, the proposed approach is suitable for the generalized identification of dynamic structural states and unknown loadings. The effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed identification approach are ascertained by some numerical simulation examples.
Lijun Liu
Department of Civil Engineering, Xiamen University, No.۱۸۲ Daxue Road, Xiamen, ۳۶۱۰۰۵, China
Jiajia Zhu
Department of Civil Engineering, Xiamen University, No.۱۸۲ Daxue Road, Xiamen, ۳۶۱۰۰۵, China
Ying Lei
Department of Civil Engineering, Xiamen University, No.۱۸۲ Daxue Road, Xiamen, ۳۶۱۰۰۵, China
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