Pervasive Computing for Web Based Psychomotor Education
Publish place: 11th Annual Conference of Computer Society of Iran
Publish Year: 1384
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 5 آذر 1390
With the wide acceptance and use of the Internet and WWW, technology based learning has gained a relevant innovation boost. The technological developments now enable us to deliver high-quality multi-media contents via the web, keep track of learner activities or support longdistance communication and cooperation. Tremendous facilities and advantages are provided to educators, learners and administrators, through Web Based Education. Though the web and internet media try their best to provide various support for educational activities, there are still certain questionable fields where they have to be enhanced with additional features. In this context, the present day Web Based Education has difficulties in dealing with the training or education of psychomotor domain activities, one of the essential learning domains. In day to day activities, physical or psychomotor skill has been used in diverse ways. Inevitably, people perform practical activities in the world of work, the work of sport etc. As the world moves towards automation of everything and everywhere, people have more time to spend in activities. Thus the importance of the psychomotor domain instruction is increasing. This paper focuses on the use pervasive computing, the next generation computing technology that paves way for the effective use of web for psychomotor domain related education.
B. Ramadoss
Assistant Professor, Department of MathematicsNational Institute of Technology
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