Creating Medical Terminology Flashcards for Use in Specialized Language Courses at Medical Sciences Universities

Publish Year: 1400
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
View: 398

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 11 مهر 1400


This study aimed to create medical terminology flashcards in the form of teaching and learning aids for use in the specialized language and medical terminology courses at Guilan University of Medical Sciences, Iran. To achieve the objective of the study, first, a needs analysis was conducted, which showed the scarcity of such educational materials and students’ needs for them. Next, the structure and the content of information of the flashcards were developed; then, the designed flashcards were examined and modified. Afterwards, professors who were experienced in teaching medical terminology and specialized language courses evaluated the flashcards using a questionnaire. Moreover, an interview was conducted with the professors on ways to improve the quality of the flashcards. The results showed that the professors were satisfied with the potential learning effects, the structure, and the content of  information of the flashcards. They also suggested a few modifications to the flashcards and recommended that the flashcards should be used in the university courses. The study has implications for the development of educational materials in the form of teaching and learning aids.


Iman Alizadeh

English language department, school of nursing and midwifery and paramedical sciences, Guilan university of medical sciences, Rasht

Yasaman Ramazanzad

school of allied medical of nursing and midwifery and paramedical sciences, Guilan university of medical sciences, Rasht, Iran

Safoura Sharifi

school of allied medical of nursing and midwifery and paramedical sciences, Guilan university of medical sciences, Rasht, Iran.