Current status of Epipalaeolithic studies in South-Easter Caspian Sea
Publish place: 2nd International Conference on Quaternary
Publish Year: 1400
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 212
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 27 آبان 1400
During Late Quaternary Caspian Sea was a natural barrier which determined a likely migration route forPaleolithic-Neolithic human populations. Because of its central geographic location, the area also channeledculture, technology, and other forms of exchange between adjoining regions of Europe, Middle East, andCentral Asia from the first modern human occupation into Eurasia up to the present day. Paleolithic ofEastern Caspian sea is presented by a group of ۱۵ sites discovered by A.P. Okladnikov in the middle of۲۰th century (Okladnikov, ۱۹۵۴; ۱۹۶۶), some of which and later investigated by G.E. Markov (Markov,۱۹۶۶). These sites can be characterized as tree main groups of different age and geomorphological position.First group consist of Epipaleolithic caves Djebel, Dam-Dam-Cheshme-۱ and ۲, situated in the southernand western parts of Uly Balkan Mountains. Second group (Kaylu cave and Kuba-Sengir) are located in thesouthern part of Krasnovodskiy peninsula on the slope of Gubadag range and represents cultural layersfrom Epipaleolithic to Neolithic. Third group is more ancient open-sites situated in central and eastern partof Krasnovodskiy peninsula. Kaylui and Kuba-Sengir contain industries that belong to Mesolithic withgeometric microliths that were usually suggested to represent direct migrations from the Zagros and SouthCaspian. Later S.K. Kozłowski (Kozłowski, ۱۹۹۶) proposed to include these materials in Trialetian culture,characterized by massive geometric microliths (length ۳۰–۶۰ mm), which vary in the chronologicalsequence: trapezoid / asymmetrical triangle / lunate. We analyzed archaeological collections from the Dam-Dam-Cheshme-۲, Kaylui and Kuba-Sengir sites. For each site, we aggregated information concerninggeological context and stratigraphy from published materials. Based on technological attributes weidentified a few techno-typological stages of lithic industries development. Flint was the most commonlyutilized raw material During the Final Pleistocene – Early Holocene transition time. The predominantprimary reduction strategy was aimed at blade and small blade production. The tool kits from this periodcontain mostly geometric microliths. The lunates and triangles are characteristic for early complexes, thetriangles and trapezoids – for late complexes. The length of the lunates is ۲۰–۵۰ mm, triangles andtrapezoids ۱۵–۲۵ mm. The preliminary results of the research demonstrated that the shape of geometricmicroliths varies in the sequence: lunate / triangle / trapezoid. The obtained data do not correspond to theTrialetian variability of geometric microliths. At the same time the southern Caspian (Komishan, Ali Tepeh)sites of show the same trend as in Trialetian of change in type of geometric microliths. Also the similar kindof the trapezoids are presented in the late Mesolithic-early Neolithic materials in Mangishlak peninsula(Astaf’ev, ۲۰۱۴). Consequently, the obtained results actualizes the general revision of the archaeologicalmaterials of the Southeast Caspian and in particular Trialetian. General distribution of the currentlydescribed sites suggests clear influence of Late Quaternary Caspian Sea transgressions on migrationpatterns of ancient humans in Central Eurasia. Thus, in Western Turkmenistan all known sites are locatedclose to the maximum position of Late Khvalynian transgression the Caspian Sea (Yanina, ۲۰۱۶). Furtherresearch of connections of ancient human migrations with Caspian Sea region environmental change is ofhigh demand with focus on highstands of transgressions and formation of the Uzboi and Manych spillwaysas barriers for the main routes. This study was supported by RFBR (۲۰-۳۹-۷۰۰۲۰).
S.V Shnaider
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
R Kurbanov
Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia