Etude de la structure narratologique dans «Carnet d’assurance maladie» de Jalāl Al-é Ahmad

Publish Year: 1392
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: French
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 9 آذر 1400


English Abstracts /۷۱ Study of narratological structure in «The Insurance» of Jalāl Al-é Ahmad Nazri-Doust, Mas’oud Assistant Professor, Université Shahid Chamran d’Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran Received: ۱.۲.۲۰۱۳ Accepted: ۷.۸.۲۰۱۳ In this article we analyze a short story of Jalāl Al-é Ahmad, «The Insurance». As is the case with the major part of his works, this short story has for subject a social problem. What interests us in this article is the analysis of the texture of this short story, which will show the literary value of the text on one hand, and show how this is worked out and constructed on the other. In addition, since the aim of the new criticism gives more importance to the form than to the content, we will see that it is precisely this kind of formal analysis that promotes the emergence of a sense or a synthesis of meanings, and synthesis of imaginations, which are all composed by the author. Thus, paying attention to lexical elements like metaphor paves the ground for perceiving the same meaning or synthesis of meanings. Keywords: narration, short story, realism, structure, nested narratives, metaphor.


Mas’oud Nazri-Doust

Maître assistant, Université Shahid Chamran, Ahvaz, Iran