A Study on the Success of Knowledge Management in the Country's Petrochemical Industry Using the AHP Technique - Case Study: Shazand Petrochemical Company

Publish Year: 1398
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زبان: Persian
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 28 آذر 1400


Globalization leads to changing world and organizations, at an alarming rate. New organizations pay more attention to understanding, adapting and managing environmental changes around and are trying to learn and use the knowledge and updated information in order to improve the operation and providing clients services and more desirable products. Such organizations need to use a new management style called knowledge management. These organizations are trying to use effective knowledge management and intellectual assets to achieve strategic goals by implementing various KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT projects. In the petrochemical industry, which includes over ۱۸ active complexes and about ۱۵,۰۰۰ official personnel, without any doubts, the main source is the knowledge that we have in the industry. The special conditions of the Iranian petrochemical industry, such as rapid progress, the transition from the state system to the private system and the entry into the world of competition, double the need to use new findings like knowledge management, and the Shazand Petrochemical Company is of no exception. The Shazand Petrochemical Complex projects plans were approved in ۱۳۶۳ and after the design, engineering and installation phases, the first phase was on the production line in ۱۳۷۲. The main question of this research is to investigate the success of knowledge in the petrochemical industry. Considering the necessity of implementing knowledge management in the petrochemical industry of the country, in this article, we try to evaluate the knowledge management success in the petrochemical industry (Shazand Arak Petrochemical Company), based on the AHP technique and ranking the Ashland Petrochemical Industries of KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT, Identify the status of the company in each of the Ashland Petrochemical Industries and, in the end, provide solutions to improve this status.


Neda Lalvand

Industrial Engineering Department, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran

Shervin Haddad

Department of Management and Economics, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran