Factors Affecting the Success of a Professional-specialized Social Network Site: Findings of a Qualitative Study in Iran
Publish Year: 1397
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 26 بهمن 1400
Professional-specialized social network sites are a form of emerging online communities hosting academic users and scientific contents. Indeed, the success of these social networks requires studies that would provide the stakeholders with constructive and practical knowledge on the factors that may affect the success of these social networks. Despite the importance of the issue, literature review shows that the factors affecting the success of these networks have not been studied much. Therefore, this case study aimed to identify and extract the main factors affecting the success of a professional-specialized social network site using a qualitative approach with a focus on the experience of ANJOMAN, a social network in Iran, policy makers and users. According to the findings, the policy makers classified the main factors affecting the success of a social network into the following six categories: the society readiness to accept this idea, owner's credit, management support, users' motivation, website effectiveness, and management and control system efficiency. Moreover, the users believed that these effective factors can be placed into four categories: individual motivation, the establishment of efficient communication, content dynamism, and website attractiveness. These factors can lead to the implementation of more comprehensive policies and decisions. Accordingly, users will be more motivated to attend and participate in such social networks.
Policy maker , Professional-specialized social network site , Qualitative study , Success factors , User
مرتضی نبی میبدی
Ph.D. Candidate in IT Management, Iranian Research Institute for Information Science and Technology (IranDoc), Tehran, Iran
سیروس علیدوستی
Associate Prof. in IT Management, Iranian Research Institute for Information Science and Technology (IranDoc), Tehran, Iran
مریم نظری
Ph.D. in Educational Informatics, Consultant, Iranian Research Institute for Information Science and Technology (IranDoc), Tehran, Iran
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