The effect of water containing sodium sulfate ions on strength of concrete of aquaculture ponds and channels
Publish place: Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences، Vol: 14، Issue: 2
Publish Year: 1394
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
View: 425
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 27 بهمن 1400
Aquaculture is among the oldest occupations of human being. Over the past quarter of century, the aquaculture industry has grown rapidly. The effect of water containing sodium sulfate on long term compressive strength of concrete of fishing ponds and channels is investigated in this paper. Aim of this paper was to analyze the strength of concrete channels and of aquaculture which are in direct contact with dissolved sodium sulfate. This is an ongoing laboratory investigation which consisted of ۴۸۰ standard casting concrete cube mix designs and subjecting them to different curing condition environments. Analyzing laboratory results, it was found that for short period of time, the effect was negligible, but for longer periods up to seven months, EC (electrical conductivity) of water had a low negative effect on compressive strength of concrete, while specimens were placed in waters with different ECs. On the other hand, average compressive strength of concrete was almost ۲۵ kg/cm۲ lower than estimated. However, loading the sample concretes up to failure resulted in strength loss of up to ۱۰%. To solve this problem, designed compressive strength must be considered ۱۰% higher than actual in order to have an acceptable concrete strength for water channels and ponds which are in direct contact with sodium sulfate ions in the water.