Research Article: Stock structure analysis of Yellow striped goatfish, Upeneus vittatus (Forsskal, ۱۷۷۵) based on truss morphometric analysis along the Indian coast
Publish place: Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences، Vol: 21، Issue: 1
Publish Year: 1400
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
View: 147
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 1 اسفند 1400
In the present study, ۳۴۷ specimens of Yellow striped goatfish, Upeneus vittatus were collected from the three locations along the Indian Coast from October ۲۰۱۸ to March ۲۰۱۹. The truss matrix was developed by interconnecting the ۱۳ morphological landmarks, which form different triangles and rectangles to form ۲۶ truss variables. All the transformed truss measurements data were subjected to factor analysis and discriminant function analysis. The factor analysis indicated first three factors together, showing ۷۳.۴۳% of the total variations. The first factor exhibited meaningful loading on the straight and oblique depth measurements of the anterior half and middle part of the fish body. In contrast, the second factor showed significant loadings on the fish body's posterior part (caudal peduncle region). Further, cross-validation from discriminant function analysis revealed an overall ۸۶.۶۹% successful classification, where the well-classified stock was from Odisha (۹۳.۹۳%), followed by Mumbai (۸۲.۵۰%) and Kakinada (۸۲.۱۴%). The finding indicates the existence of two separate stocks of U. vittatus in the west and east coast of India.
S. Nama
Ph.D Scholar
S. Bhushan
K.K. Ramteke
A.K. Jaiswar
Principal scientist
M. Srihari
Ph.D Scholar
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