Creep Life Assessment of IGT۲۵ Gas Turbine Combustor for Offshore Applications
Publish place: The 9th Fuel & Combustion Conference of Iran
Publish Year: 1400
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 151
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 2 خرداد 1401
The Iranian gas turbine (IGT۲۵) suffers from the sea salt when they are placed in offshore situations. The sea salt may deposit on the internal surface of the combustion chamber at high temperature. The comprised salt may create creep damage and decrease combustor lifetime. In the present study, creep life of IGT۲۵ gas turbine was predicted based on the stress and strain results obtained from the numerical simulation. Creep life was estimated based on the damage recognized in combustion chamber by using Norton and Larson Miller methods. It was concluded that the strain rate may change at high temperatures. The creep life of the combustion chamber was decreased about ۱۲.۳۲%, where the strain rate has increased by ۱۰۰%.
Omid Sam-Daliri
Development Unit, Combustion Department, Turbotec Company, Tehran, Iran
Naemeh Safari
Development Unit, Combustion Department, Turbotec Company, Tehran, Iran
Mohammad Ali Soroudi
Head of Combustion Department, Turbotec Company, Tehran, Iran
Mohammad Alizadeh
Vice President of Engineering, Turbotec Company, Tehran, Iran