Human Rights and Democratic Uprisings in Middle East In the Light of New Technologies
Publish place: International Studies Journal، Vol: 12، Issue: 4
Publish Year: 1395
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
View: 279
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 10 خرداد 1401
The widespread uprisings of Middle East show the failure of the standard political trends with incapacitation of the government institutions in fundamental democratic changes. The combination of civil disobedience, political action and struggle seeking paved the way to unprecedented fall of regimes in the region. Doubtlessly, the economic downturn was effective in the democratic uprisings of Arabic spring. All of the region involve with anti-government protests of a generation that is disable to find job and freely express its opinions. A social consensus against the Populist authoritarianism is created that is resulting from decades of mismanagement, kindred ties, corruption and political suppressed. However, what has been ignored is evaluation of the role of emotions, solidarities and online activities. Unassailably, the modern technological communication provides a new condition for public debates to make them able to bring up their demands more effective. In the age of communication, these technologies would eliminate borders and obstacles and could create a good feeling of sympathy and fixation for the wide uprisings against tyrannical regimes. The motivations of change increasingly fill the region and mobilize the people to confront despotism. Unlike the view which new technologies are a threat to norms and cultural identity, these technologies lead to eruption of correlations, association of cultures and ultra-place identities. The main goal of new media technology is increasingly demand of political freedom, open society and human rights
محمود منشی پوری
San Francisco State University University of California, Berkeley
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