Investigating the semantic relationship between Jihad and the words of its semantic field in the Qur'an based on the Syntagmatic (co - occurrences) component
Publish place: Linguistic Research in the Holy Quran، Vol: 9، Issue: 2
Publish Year: 1399
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
View: 156
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 21 خرداد 1401
Jihad as one of the central words of the Qur'an, meaning praiseworthy and condemned war and enduring hardship in the field of semantics has a close semantic relationship with the words "Qatl (murder), Harb (war), Jadal (dispute), Qalz (severity), Nafar (go forth), Sabr (patience)" in the form of synonyms. This semantic model, which considers the conceptual range of the word "Jihad" to consist of smaller components called syntagmatic semantic components, by analyzing the semantic components, expresses similarities and differences of the word Jihad with its synonymous terms. And it also plays a crucial role in explaining synonymy. Based on this vital point, the author in the present article tries to use this semantic hypothesis to examine the semantic coordinates of "Jihad" with words that have a possible synonymy; represents the semantic similarities and differences of each of them and explains the role of these elements in determining the specific situation and differentiating the context (Siyaq) and linguistic context of the mentioned words. Therefore, each context requires a combination of specific syntagmatic components that is the unit of word differentiation in different contexts. Hence, it is not possible to replace the word "Jihad" with words that have a relative synonymy; because this leads to a deviation from the intended meaning in "Jihad" and the terms that have a synonymy with Jihad.
علی سعیدی
Department of Quran and Hadis, Islamic Azad University Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Isfahan, Iran
امیر احمدنژاد
Associate Professor, Department of Quran and Hadith Sciences, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
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