A Circular Water Cycle of ۲ Points of Black Sea and Persian-Oman Gulfs as a Line with ۶ Points of Azov, Black, Persian, Oman, Aral & Caspian Seas of The Circle's Axis,by connecting ۳۱ points as the shrunk lakes & seas of Russia, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan & Kazakhstan with selecting ۲ points as the new artificial salt lakes in Iran as the vectors of convex polygons on a honeycomb map for building the convex polyhedrons plan in the space based on the linear programming (Nash equilibrium of the seas' connections ), it is Zero Sum Game Theory,to reduce the globa

Publish Year: 1400
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 1 تیر 1401


Tethys was an enormous ocean (Mesozoic) between both supercontinents of Eurasia and Gondwana. The plates of Saudi Arabia with Africa and India moved northward and eventually collided with the Eurasian plate that leading to closing the Tethys and remaining Mediterranean, Black, Caspian and Aral seas, resulting in mountain ranges from the Pyrenees in the west to throughout the south of Europe and the Middle East extend to the Himalayas and Southeast Asia. In the article, ۵ lines for connecting Azov, Black, Caspian & Aral Seas to each other as the ۴ points on an elliptical axis in the Coordinate System were mapped. The line of ۲points of Black Sea and Persian-Oman Gulfs (BPO line) of a circle was added to the plan to connect the mentioned seas as the points of a circular cycle in the space. The BPO line works as a linear function for reviving and creating the ۳۳ shrunk dried seas and lakes of Van (Turkiye), Bakhtegan, Tashk, Maharlu, Gavkhoni, Khara, Hamun E Tagur, Urmia, Zeribar, Haji Aligholi, Parishan, Hoz E Soltan, Salt, Hamun E Puzak, Saberi, Helmand, Godzareh, Jazmurian, Shahdad, Hawizeh, Shadegan, Alamgol, Alagol, Almagol, Ajigol, Anzali, (Iran and Afghanistan), Hamun E Mashkel, (Pakistan), Krakum, Sarygamysh and Aral (Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan), two new salt lakes (Iran) and Caspian sea. The ۳۳ points made convex polygons by the mathematical rules of Linear Programming on a schematic honeycomb map (a page with the chains of hexagonal cyclic structure of glucose) for building convex polyhedrons in the space. The geographical map was given that illustrates one convex polygon consist of two types of convex and concave polygons. Two schematic and geographical plans were mapped based on the elevation differences, geographical coordinates of the connected points, the seas' water counterclockwise flow and the plate tectonics (vectors are pipelines). The Zero Sum Game Theory is tangible in the scheme. The project has powerful scientific advantages in reducing the global warming, because the system is the alternative source


Solmaz Izadighalati

MS in Geology-Paleontology & Stratigraphy Islamic Azad University Shiraz, Iran The former member of Iran Geology Society & Young Researcher Club and Elite