The influence of spiritual experience on the brand of religious place
Publish Year: 1398
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 20 تیر 1401
This paper studies a theoretical model of moderated mediation in which religious learning assists as an intervening mechanism that explains the moderated relationships between brand image and the dimensions of travel benefits (tranquility and health). The study also considers the four dimensions of direct effects of a spiritual experience including (Sense of bliss, Elimination of the life concerns, Emotional involvement and Interaction). The results of the study of ۳۸۴ religious tourists provide support for this integrated model across the dimensions of travel benefits. Furthermore, the results of the studies conducted on the domestic tourists verify this integrated model along with the dimensions of the religious travel advantages. The moderating effect of the religious learning is expected to have a positive impact of the brand image on the religious travel benefits as this learning strengthens the positive linkage. Additionally, the spiritual experiences enhance the positive effect of the religious travel benefits through the brand image. The present findings also indicate that the Religious travel benefit have direct effects on health and tranquility Variables via Brand image and religious learning. A model is implemented here in order to measure the strength of the findings and it is argued how this moderated mediation pattern could be shown using the empirical evidence of the religious beliefs concentrated on the various religious experiences of the tourists.
Yazdan Shirmohammadi
Department of Commerce Management, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
Parisa Abyaran
Expert of Commercial Management of Payame Noor University,
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