Evaluation and analysis of the effect of occupational structural plateau with the mediating role of biological plateau on job aspirations of employees of non-profit higher education institutions in the west of Mazandaran province

Publish Year: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 24 مرداد 1401


The main purpose of this study was to evaluate and analyze the effect of occupational structural plateau with the mediating role of biological plateau on job aspirations of employees of non-profit higher education institutions in the west of Mazandaran province in the academic year ۲۰۱۹-۲۰. This research is in the field of applied research in terms of purpose and in terms of research method, correlation is based on structural equations and the statistical population is the staff of non-profit higher education institutions in the west of Mazandaran province. ۲۳۶ people were selected as a statistical sample. Data collection tools included a valid questionnaire of Foster et al. (۲۰۰۴) structural plateau with reliability (۰.۸۴۷) and a valid questionnaire of Billiardi's career aspirations (۲۰۰۵) with reliability (۰.۸۶۳). From the confirmatory factor analysis, the general structure of the research questionnaires has been validated by the construct and the validity of the questionnaires has been well evaluated and confirmed. The data analysis method was used using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics and the structural equation method was used using Amos software to confirm or reject the research hypotheses. Findings indicate that the structural plateau has a significant effect on the job aspirations of employees of non-profit higher education institutions in the west of Mazandaran province. Also, the structural plateau has a significant effect on employees' job aspirations through the mediating role of the biological plateau. The results showed that by reducing the level of structural plateau in employees, their job aspirations can be increased.


Danial Ebrahimi Erami

Master of Educational Management, Shafaq Higher Education Institute, Tonekabon, Iran

Leila Moshtaghi

Master of Educational Management, Shafaq Higher Education Institute, Tonekabon, Iran