A Conceptual Model Effective in Managing Oil and Gas Projects
Publish place: Fifth International Conference on Interdisciplinary Studies in Management and Engineering
Publish Year: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 248
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 7 شهریور 1401
The paper intends to introduce an effective model which can improve the efficiency of Iran’s current status of oil and gas industries. In order to accomplish the study objective, it is required to examine the oil and gas project management issues. Studying the significant parameters, the study model will be designed. These parameters of Oil and gas industries play crucial roles in Iran’s economic growth and its development. The industries face serious challenges and they require managers to express adequate knowledge of project management. Managers are also expected to pay deep attention to management and leadership skills and to understand their differences. In addition, various aspects of conflicts make it vital for the team members to work collaboratively to get to a solution and to complete the marketing strategies. Final steps can be paved with enjoying change management and an effective communication among members. Findings of the study approve that following the proposed model the industries may enjoy the future benefits.
Mohammad Ebrahim Rostami
B.Eng in Petroleum Engineering (Production of Petroleum Resources), Petroleum EngineeringDepartment, Islamic Azad university of Marvdasht, Iran
Hamidreza Abedi
Master of Chemical Engineering, Process Design, Chemical Engineering Department, Islamic AzadUniversity of Ahar, Iran