Why the Dhul-Qarnayn's dam is impenetrable? A Chemical and physical study

Publish Year: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 12 شهریور 1401


By development of human scientific abilities, more miracle aspects and wondersof the Qur’an have been recognized. Stating the story of Dhu al-Qarnayn andconstructing of dam, verses (Q.۱۸:۸۳-۹۸) have pointed some valuable scientificaspects regarding chemistry, physics and metallurgy. The instruction for thestructure reveals the non-accidental process, because the precise expectedphysical, chemical and metallurgical properties.The three-layer structures of dam with dendrite like microstructure inits matrix will guarantee the durable structure against most chemicaldestructive agent, mechanical damage and thermal threats. Hence thepowerful people of Gog and Magog could not overcome the high tensilestrength of iron, high ductility of copper and the high toughness of CuFe alloy. The high thermal and temperature resistance are the evidence formore structural power. Such masterpiece of engineering, in technology ofalloying, could not be based on the knowledge of common craftsmen ofthat time, but it must have been based on superhuman wisdom.Consequently, although the Qur’an is a book of guidance, but it reports someoriginal scientific issues, such as the Dhu al-Qarnayn story. These were notknown in the age of revelation and after progressing in science, but the truth ofconsidered issues has been proved. However, because of the clear instruction,and the precise prediction of properties, it is possible to use the verses as anexcellent idea for scientific advancement, rather than reporting events.


علی مقدسی

Ph.D. in Chemistry, shahid beheshti university