The role of information technology in thedevelopment of rural communities in Iran

Publish Year: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 21 شهریور 1401


Today, information and communication technology has grown widely among different countries andcities and has created many advantages in improving the quality of life. The field of influence ofinformation and communication technologies is not limited to urban environments and its scopeincludes even the most remote rural areas and can play an effective role in the process of ruraldevelopment, hence to attract the benefits of information technology. and communication, thistechnology should be implemented and used efficiently. Increasing access to technology can be avital factor in the economic growth of rural areas. But at the same time For its realization, it requiresthe cooperation of the government, the private sector, and the industry. Examining and looking atthe activities of other countries in this direction and using their experiences can also help us inmoving in this direction if it is localized with the conditions of the country. This article is descriptiveand with the practical nature of the role of information technology. has investigated thedevelopment of rural communities in Iran. The general conclusion is that there is a significantrelationship between information technology and the development of rural communities in Iran.


Ali robati javazm

Master's degree, Information Technology Management, Payam NoorUniversity, Shemiranat, Iran