In-silico analysis of SHOX Gene for Following Pathogenicity Single- Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) in Patients with Short Stature Deficiencies

Publish Year: 1400
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 13 مهر 1401


Backgrounds: The SHOX gene (short-stature homeobox) is in pseudo-autosomal region۱(PAR۱), located on Xp۲۲.۳۳ and Yp۱۱.۳۲ chromosomes, encodes a transcription factor thatregulates the differentiation and apoptosis of chondrocytes in the epiphyseal growth plates.SHOX mutations are related to different dysplasia, including, Leri- Weill dyschondrosteosis(LWD), Langer mesomelic dysplasia (LMD), and idiopathic short stature. Also, the loss of the Xchromosome causes a sex- chromosome aneuploidy deficiency called Turner syndrome withsigns of short stature in women.Materials and Methods: This gene has ۸ exons, and the seventh exon is a hotspot one with ۶۹missense variants. These SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) were analyzed forpathogenicity in SIFT (sorting intolerant from tolerant), Polyphen-۲, I-Mutant, PANTHER,PROVEAN.Results: All ۶۹ SNPs are analyzed in SIFT server at first, and only ۱۱ ones are “AFFECTED”,thereby these selected variants are considered in four other servers. In polyphen-۲ five SNPs of۱۱ variants are more severe (score:۱.۰۰۰, sensivity:۰.۰۰, and specificity:۱.۰۰) with prediction“probably damaging”, resulting in I-Mutant with ۵ more pathogenic variants in negative DDG(about ۰.۸۰-۱.۱۶), in PROVEAN also five SNPs with a high degree of “Deleterious” (score:from -۴.۱۷۸ to -۵.۴۵۴), finally for PANTHER, which all of ۱۱ considered variants shown adegree of conservation۷۵۰ million years with the prediction of “probably damaging”.Conclusion: Actually, between all of these considered pathogens SNPs with rs۱۲۲۱۳۵۶۸۶۹ andrs۱۳۱۹۲۱۰۴۱۱ could be the most pathogens related to the disease that may be as a point in thetreatment of disorders with these variants in the future.


Hadis Mohammadi

Department of Biology, Faculty of science, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran

Mehri Khatami

Department of Biology, Faculty of science, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran