The effects of methanol and ethanol foliar application under salinity stress on some physiological characteristics of Pelargonium graveolens L.

Publish Year: 1398
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 17 آذر 1401


To study the effects of methanol and ethanol foliar application (۰, ۱۰ and ۲۰ % v/v) and NaCl salinity stress (۰, ۷۵ and ۱۵۰ mM) on yield and some physiological traits of geranium (Pelargonium graveolens L.), a factorial experiment was conducted based on completely randomized design with three replications. Salinity showed significant effect on all characteristics, except root dry weight, chlorophyll b and Fe content. Effect of foliar application of methanol and ethanol was significant on proline, protein, chlorophyll a, essential oil, Fe and K content, root dry weight and IC۵۰. The results also revealed the significant interaction of salinity by foliar application of alcohol in relation to the chlorophyll a and protein content. The greatest protein and chlorophyll a contents were recorded by the NaCl۰ + methanol۲۰% treatment, which was significantly different from the corresponding control. Dry weight of aerial parts, K/Na ratio, essential oil, K, P, Fe and Zn contents were negatively affected by the salinity stress. With increasing salinity stress the amounts of malondialdehyde and H۲O۲ were elevated. Among alcohol treatments, methanol foliar application was more effective than ethanol. Methanol had better effect on IC۵۰, root dry weight, Fe, K and essential oil content, while ethanol۲۰% increased the proline content significantly as compared to the methanol and control treatments. Overall, the results indicated that foliar application of methanol ameliorated the negative effects of salinity in geranium, when averaged over the salinity levels under study.


لمیا وجودی مهربانی

Department of Agronomy, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran

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