Evaluating the production, processing and storage stages of fonio, an African grain
Publish Year: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 6 اسفند 1401
For long times, many crops have been grown to feed humans and livestock, but today only a few species are widely cultivated. Among cereals, corn, wheat, and rice are staples for many people. Some species, called rare cereals, play an important role in the food security of some of the poorest people. These crops adapted to harsh weather, resistant to drought and contribute to environmental protection by safeguarding vegetation in ecologically sensitive areas. One such crop is Fonio, a fine-grained cereal that has long been grown as a staple food for many rural families in the western Africa and is being rediscovered by urban consumers around the world. This paper introduces the mushroom crop and attempts to identify and evaluate the stages of production, processing, and storage of seeds of this African cereal and also presentation of relevant information in simple and non-technical language. Most of these data gathered from projects or research programs that began in the late ۱۹۹۰s, such as, "Improving Fonio Postharvest Technology", "Improving the Quality and Competitiveness of the Fonio Industry in west Africa", and "Improving the Postharvest and Development of Fonio in Africa".
Mohammad Reza Zargaran Khouzani
Department of Agrotechnology, Majoring in Ecological Plants of Khuzestan University of Agricultural, Ahvaz, Iran
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