Effects of Hydrotherapy On labor pain

Publish Year: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 4 فروردین 1402


Hydrotherapy is a common comfort measure and treatment intervention in self andhealthcare. A warm bath at the end of a stressful day can be a relaxing activity in daily life, andimmersion hydrotherapy is a prescribed therapy in multiple clinical specialties for its soothing andwellness-promoting qualities. However, intrapartum use remains limited compared with pharmacologiclabor pain relief methods, and hydrotherapy utilization rates vary widely by country.This literature review will explore the research on the safety and efficacy of hydrotherapy use inhospitals during the first stage of labour as a nursing intervention. Methods The research questioninforming this literature review is: Is hydrotherapy a safe and efficacious method to alleviate labourpain during the first stage of labour? A comprehensive review of the literature was conducted inAugust ۲۰۱۶ using CINAHL, ProQuest, and MedLine databases. Keywords used were:hydrotherapy, water immersion, intrapartum, labour and/or nurse with truncation and Booleanoperators. The inclusion criteria for the search were: articles available in English, accessibleelectronically, peer-reviewed, and with year restrictions of ۲۰۰۵- ۲۰۱۶. Results: Several regulatorycolleges support the use of hydrotherapy during labour; however, no practice recommendationsfor Canadian nurses were found nor is the prevalence of hydrotherapy use known across Canada.The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) released a committee opinionoutlining practice recommendations with a corresponding evidence synthesis on water immersionduring labour in November ۲۰۱۶. The committee concluded that water immersion during the firststage of labour may be associated with shorter labour and decreased use of spinal and epiduralanalgesia. The committee recommended that physicians offer hydrotherapy to healthy women withuncomplicated pregnancies between ۳۷ and ۴۲ weeks of gestation. The committee also recognizedthe effort required to implement hydrotherapy and further recommended that facilities establishrigorous protocols for maintenance, sanitation, and patient eligibility. Moreover, it wasrecommended that the appropriate equipment be available to monitor maternal and fetal status andthat the women are able to easily get out of the water to deliver should complications develop(ACOG, ۲۰۱۶). Discussion &Conclusion: A Cochrane review of ۱۸ studies exploring theimplementation of guidelines into clinical practice found that there is some evidence thatguideline-driven care is effective in changing the process and outcome of care provided byprofessions allied to medicine. Hydrotherapy during labour is not only empowering for the patient,but also empowers nurses in influencing their environment and promoting positive patientoutcomes as a result of their interventions . further emphasize that there is an urgent need to reflectupon the de-medicalization of birthing practices, as it will encourage labour nurses to seethemselves as instruments of transformation capable of influencing their practice environment. Assupported by the research cited in this literature review, hydrotherapy is suggested to be a safe and efficacious method to alleviate labour pain during the first stage of labour


سارا شایگان

کمیته تحقیقات دانشجویی، دانشکده پرستاری و مامایی، دانشگاه علوم پزشکی شیراز، شیراز، ایران

رضوان خان بابایی

کمیته تحقیقات دانشجویی، دانشکده پرستاری و مامایی، دانشگاه علوم پزشکی شیراز، شیراز، ایران