Midwife and pleasant childbearing experience

Publish Year: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 4 فروردین 1402


Back ground: Although pregnancy is often considered an exciting event, it is a stressfulexperience that requires emotional adjustment. For the mother's satisfaction, the midwife'sattention to her and her emotional support should be improved. Midwifery care with quality andemotional support is one of the non-pharmacological methods of controlling labor pain ,whichplays an effective role in mother's satisfaction with the performance of midwives.. A woman'sunderstanding of birth is more affected by her interaction with her health care than the physicalexperience of childbirth itself. Getting to know the delivery rooms, being aware of the birthingprocess, participating in decision-making, creating an opportunity to express problems, are amongthe patient's rights that health care providers should pay attention to. This article is about pleasantexperience in childbearing. Method and Materials: This study is reviewed by articles in this fieldfrom ۲۰۰۰ to ۲۰۲۳ with search in reliability web site as PubMed, Web of science, Science direct,Google Scholar, Ovid/MEDLINE, EMBASE, up to date and Scopus. we access ۱۲ articles and getthis information. Result: By using prenatal counseling led by a midwife, the presence of a doulaand a family member, free position in the first stage of labor, training and guidance of the midwifeafter delivery and pain relief methods such as Lamaze breathing techniques, warm compresses inthe perineum and epidural anesthesia increases satisfaction. Continuity of midwifery care,including creating an environment similar to home, reducing interventions, facilitating naturalchildbirth, making the birthing experience more favorable and increasing the role of midwives.Women often feel uncomfortable and sometimes feel pain during vaginal examination. By payingattention to ethics and women's culture and explaining the necessity of examination, it is possibleto get their cooperation and satisfaction. Mothers who had negative experiences during caregiving(such as being disrespected or humiliated, physically abused, ignored when they needed help, orasked for informal payment) reported lower levels of satisfaction. Given that multiparous women'sexpectations of their current pregnancy are influenced by their previous experiences withpregnancy, childbirth, and the midwifery care system. satisfied clients continue to use health careservices, and often refer others to use these services. Conclusion: By increasing the quality of careservices and trusting midwives, making patients aware of the delivery process and familiarizingthem with the environment, explaining the necessity of care and the need to repeat some of themsuch as vaginal examination, client satisfaction increases. Also, by creating a clean and calmenvironment, using methods to reduce pain, secrecy and confidentiality of information, respectingthe mother's rights and providing emotional support to them, the birthing process is completedwith the least amount of pain and stress. Gaining pleasant experiences will encourage the people around and also the patient herself to come back again.


نسرین بابادائی سامانی

department of midwifery, faculty of Medical Sciences, Shahrekord Branch, Islamic Azad University,Shahrekord, Iran,

فیروزه نوری مند

Student Research Committee, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Shahroud University of Medical Sciences,Shahroud,