Differences between living and deceased donation in human uterus transplantation: A narrative review
Publish Year: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 21 فروردین 1402
The decision to use a living or deceased donor to perform uterus transplantation (UTx) is an evaluation of benefit and harm and is based on the medical team’s choices. The current study determines the differences between living and deceased donation in human UTx according to determinant factors in choosing the donor type. For this review study, the PubMed database was searched without time, language, and location limitations up to May ۲۰۲۲. From ۱۱۳ identified articles, ۴۵ papers were included in the study for review. According to the results, in comparison to living donation, the biggest advantage of deceased donation is the lack of surgical and or psychological risks for the donor. In contrast, a comprehensive pre-transplantation medical assessment is less possible in deceased donation, and preplanned surgery cannot be realized. According to published peer-reviewed clinical trials on UTx, the graft failure rates in living and deceased donor UTx are ۲۱% and ۳۶%, respectively. Supposing all recipients who did not have graft failure underwent embryo transfer, live birth rates in living and deceased donor UTx procedures are almost ۶۳% and ۷۱%, respectively. Currently, considering the occurrence of live births from both donations, particularly from nulliparous deceased donor, increased demand for UTx in the near future, shortage of uterus grafts, and lack of sufficient data for a comprehensive comparison between the ۲ types of donation, the use of both donations still seems necessary and rational.
Living donors , Deceased donors , Brain death donors , Uterus transplantation , Absolute uterine factor infertility , Review. , اهداکنندگان زنده , اهداکنندگان مرده , اهداکنندگان مرگ مغزی , پیوند رحم , نازایی رحمی مطلق , مطالعه مروری.
Sakineh Taherkhani
School of Medicine, Arak University of Medical Sciences, Arak, Iran.
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