Investigating the Effect of Cement Grading on the Characteristics of Concrete and Standard Mortar

Publish Year: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
View: 88

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 5 اردیبهشت 1402


Grading is one of the most important characteristics of cement, which has a great impact on its performance in concrete. The most common methods of monitoring are determination of residues on sieves, Blaine and LD. In this study, introduce the main parameters of cement grading, optimal limits and its effects. Also ۲۰۴ samples of Portland cement were prepared to determine their physical and mechanical properties and performance of Laboratory concrete mixtures. One of the most important results is the clear effect of increasing the share of ۳ - ۳۰ µ particles and cement uniformity coefficient on the compressive strength of concrete and mortar and providing relationships. The results of LD- PSD experiments were well correlated with the experiments remaining on the sieve by alpine method. With increasing uniformity or the amount of particles of ۳ - ۳۰ microns, the setting time of cement paste increases (becomes longer); which is not always desirable


Ali Akbar Kafash Bazari

Chief of research and development of Tehran cement Co, Tehran, Iran

Zivar Nikfal

Chief of physical Laboratory of Tehran cement Co, Tehran, Iran

Mohamad Vatani

Expert of Tehran Cement Quality Control Laboratory