The Impact of Modernity on Architecture in China

Publish Year: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 6 اردیبهشت 1402


Modern architecture is a kinetic name in architecture. In modern architecture, function is combined with ideas from which historical concepts and forms have been removed. Modernism is the most important style or philosophy of ۲۰th century architecture and design, along with an analytical approach related to building performance, rational use of materials, structural innovation and glitter removal. The style was named after Philip Johnson, an international or modern international stylist after holding the American Modern Architecture Exhibition in the year ۱۹۳۲. The rise of modernism in architecture dates back to the years ۱۹۲۰ to ۱۹۵۰. At the beginning of the modern era, Europe was becoming industrialized, so at that time it received the greatest impact from this architecture. Chinese architecture has attracted a lot of attention throughout history. This article is about how to make China one of the most modern cities in the world. This article is a descriptive-analytic one, considering the fact that different sections of the author's translation of English books and articles, and of the books and articles deserving attention of the journals related to the subject, are descriptive. According to the results of the current situation, China intends to become one of the world countries. In recent years, the Chinese government has developed a set of laws, regulations and laws to protect and develop traditional Chinese culture. The process of traditional Chinese culture, combining the style of contemporary architecture, must entail a great transition from contemporary Chinese buildings. In recent decades, as China's population and economy have grown, modern architecture has grown there.


Tarlan shekarpazi khiabani

Department of Architecture, Vocational Technical National University of Tabriz (Al-Zahra, girls unit), Tabriz,Kuchebagh, Bahar St, Iran