Determination of trace metals in some organs of Carassius carassius (Linnaeus, ۱۷۵۸) fish and histopathological change in the Babil drainage network, Iraq

Publish Year: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 21 خرداد 1402


This study was conducted to estimate the differences in the accumulation of heavy metals (titanium, barium, lithium) among the body organ of the Carassius carassius fish (liver, gills, kidneys). caught from the Babil drainage network collected on January ۱۰, ۲۰۲۲, at a rate of ۳۰ samples fish are found in abundance in the drainage network due to the Brackish water's high salinity compared to river water, and the fish were of an average length (۱۰-۱۲) cm. The results showed that the concentrations of barium were highest in the gills, followed by its content in the liver and then the kidney in the same context, the concentration of titanium in the kidney was the lowest, and it had no significant difference from its content in the liver, although there was a numerical difference between them, and the highest concentration of titanium was in the gills reaching (۳۳.۷, ۴۱.۳۳, ۱۳۵) ppm, respectively. On the other hand, the highest concentration of lithium was in the kidney, then gills, and liver, respectively, which had no significant difference between them. The gills damaged lesion was characterized by showing congestion of central venous sinus vessels and extensive sloughing of primary and secondary lamellae, with inflammatory cells infiltrations The macroscopic examination for kidney showed the atrophy of glomerular tufts and infiltration of melanomacrophages also excessive enlargement of thyroid follicles that filled with colloid materials .Results of microscopically examination  of a kidney showing marked depletion of hemopoietic tissues which shows a histological section of the liver of wild Carassius carassius during the study period, showed the necrosis with extensive mononuclear cells infiltration.